Chapter 50

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General's pov
It was the next day and everyone was at the firehouse because of the shift that started around 30 minutes ago. Stella was in Severide's quarters and he was helping her study for her lieutenants test that she was gonna have in a month for now and she was trying to study as much as she could and Severide was helping her with it.

In the meantime Brooke and Brett was in the common room with Andy as well and they where standing by the coffee machine, Herrmann and Mouch was sitting by the couch and Cruz walked in to the common room.

Cruz - Hey, so I'm taking a parenting class.

Herrmann - Uh-oh.

Cruz - "Baby Basics for Beginners." Just the dads... oh, and partners.

Andy was now listening to what Cruz was saying and so did both Brett and Brooke as well, it was a little fun to hear what Cruz was saying.

Cruz - There's this one woman named Bailey. Anyway...

Brooklyn - Sounds awesome.

Cruz - Really?

Brooklyn - Yeah. Chloe is gonna be half a zombie, and you are gonna be ready to rock as a father on day one. I think it's great.

Cruz - I appreciate your enthusiasm, but right now I'm getting my ass handed to me by this suck-up named Huxley. Calls himself the "King Swaddler," big show-off. I want to murder him.

Brooklyn - How's your swaddling?

Cruz - Needs work, to be honest.

Brooklyn - the good thing is that you have two people to ask for help with that, like this one and Herrmann.

She pointed at Andy first before she said Herrmann's name, they where the perfect one to help Cruz and it would also be good for Andy to do this as well since he is gonna be a dad again.

A couple of minutes later when Brett, Brooke and Andy had taken a sit at the table in the common room the bell went off and both Brooke and brett started to groan a little.
Bell Truck 81, Engine 51 and ambo 61

Brooklyn's pov
It was an hour since it would be lunch at the firehouse and couple of hours had passed of the shift, me and Brett had gotten back from our last call around 20 minutes ago and I have been kind of hiding in the back of the ambo and pretending that I had things to do there like cleaning which I did need to do.

I walked in to the common room where I saw Casey cooking which I never sees or I haven't seen him cooking in the firehouse for years.
I went towards the kitchen island to grab a cookie for me and a cup of coffee since it has been a few hours since my last cup of coffee.

Capp - Don't look now, but Casey's cooking.

Casey - It's not just for special occasions, Capp.

Capp - Oh, I don't need a reason. I'll take Captain Casey's corned beef any time I can get it.

I didn't focus so much about what Capp was saying, my mind was somewhere else which isn't weird since what actually did happen yesterday when I was out with Grainger. I haven't told anyone about what has happened between me and Grainger, not even Brett, Andy or Stella knows about it yet.

Casey - Although, I am feeling like Lazarus, back from the dead.

Brooklyn - Yeah, I was so relieved you were okay.

Casey - Better than okay. I'd had low-grade anxiety for years that my head was gonna just short-circuit without any warning. Now the doctor says whatever trauma I had five years ago is all cleared up. Feel like I won the lottery.

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