Chapter 14

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Brooklyn's pov
I just arrived to the firehouse and was walking up the driveway, me and Brett arrived at the same time.
We where both freezing so much since it is winter, and I hated winters in Chicago. That's the only thing that I didn't miss when I lived in LA.

Brooklyn - I hate this, I really need heat and hot coffee.

Brett - my first year here, it was so cold that the engine wouldn't even start.

Brooklyn - I really forgot of this winter after more then 7 years in LA. I should probably apply for a job in Miami or whatever.

Brett - don't do that, i have already lost a partner to Caribbean and I don't want to lose another one.

I didn't have any plans about leaving Chicago, I was happy to be back here with my old friends and my brother.
After I graduated from high school mine and Andy's parents moved to Florida and they where only back in Chicago for Christmas, when I finished EMT and when my second nephew was born.

Brett and I walked in to the locker room, to put our bags away in our lockers. We where both changed to our work clothes so we didn't have to lose the time for that.
We walked out to the common room to get breakfast that was made, and all I wanted was to eat something and take a cup of coffee.
When Brett and I came out in the common room we heard that Herrmann was talking about his oldest son Lee Henry, about him starting college soon. We heard that Herrmann and Lee Henry had been visiting a few collage for two or three days, but Herrmann didn't seemed pleased about it.

Herrmann - I'm not gonna pay so that my son can mayor in beer pong.

And that's when Stella walked in also and she heard what Herrmann was talking about.

Stella - wait, that was an option?  I picked the wrong school.

Brooklyn - I should have chosen to go at collage, if that was an option.

I saw that Stella walked over to the coffee machine that was next to Brett and I saw that Severide was standing by it and getting a cup of coffee for himself.

I knew that Severide miss Stella and that Stella miss Severide, but I still do think that it is a good thing that they aren't together right now.
But I do hope that they will get back together in the future, because I have never seen Severide that happy like he was when they where together.

Cruz walked in to the common room and he had something to say, and he seemed happy. Which he have been since he meet Chloe and specially since the day they got together, and of course I was happy for him too.

Cruz - the register for the winter bath is open. Who's in with me?

Otis - awesome, I have always wanted to do that. I have been on shift every year.

Cruz - this year we are all free from shift.

Stella - count me in.

Mouch - I should already be on the list.

When I heard what Cruz was talking about, I wasn't happy to hear about it. Just before I left Chicago and moved to LA, it was around that time of the year for the winter bath.

Brooklyn - I had totally forgot all about it.

Brett - you should do it with us Brooke, it's for charity.

Brooklyn - I know, I hate the winter here in Chicago. I don't even take a swim in the summer. So why should I do it now?

Brett - like I said, it's for charity.

Cruz was now standing behind Brett at the kitchen island where I was also standing but in front of Brett, Andy got up from where he was sitting and was on his way over to where we were standing.

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