Chapter 17

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General's pov
Five weeks have passed after everything that had happened, and today they where all on shift but most of the day had already past, they had still many hours until there shift would end tomorrow morning.
There was today a storm in Chicago, so everyone was keeping them self inside except when they needed to be out for calls.

Engine was out on a call and the rest of the guys were in the common room, some of the guys were listening to the news on the TV.
There haven't been that many calls for any of the guys and even for Ambo, they have just been out a few times.

Brett and Brooke was standing in the bunker room with a cup of coffee for them both. They where standing in front of Casey's quarters and just looking out through the windows that you could see through Casey's quarters.

Brett - I hope the weather is getting better for tomorrow, but it doesn't look good for the rest of the day and night.

Brooklyn - yeah, I saw that earlier on the weather app on my phone. A good reason to just stay home tomorrow after shift and do nothing.

Brett - you have right about that. But Brooke, maybe it would be good for you to go out and see others.

Brooklyn - I don't know, I don't feel like to see some people. I just think it woeful be good for me to think about myself for a little.

Brett - yeah.....

Everyone knew by now what had happened between Brooke and the Chaplin, but when Casey heard what happened he felt a little guilty.
Brooke was just trying to not think about what happened between her and Kyle, is not really her thing to live and be heartbroken.

Brett and Brooke walked in to the common room were the guys was except for the guys who is on engine.
But when they walked in there they saw that Mouch was sitting on the couch in front of the tv like usual.
And then they started to noticed how the lights started to blink and everything was because of the weather.

Mouch - no, no, no...

And then Brooke saw how the tv got closed because of the current and how Mouch reacted to it also, but it wasn't just the tv that got shut down, some of the lights also did.
Cheif walked in the second as the lights started to blink and the tv also.

Casey - cheif, the currents have been going on like this for a couple of hours it can effect the radio and alarms.

Boden - I have spoken to the center.

Brett - what did they say?

Boden - they will send some guys down here.

Mouch - "Dateline" is starting in 15 minutes.

Boden - you are more then welcome to wait outside for them.

Mouch left the common room and went out on the apparatus floor. Stella, Brett and Brooke looked at Mouch when he walked out of there and then they all looked at each other and started to laugh a little.

Casey's pov
It had been just two hours since the current started to affect the tv and some lights, and it was already around 8pm.

I walked out on the apparatus floor after cheif had told me to check on the lights for the guys who whorl fix so that we had everything going.
Herrmann was out on the apparatus floor but he was just getting something from the engine and then he walked back inside.

I walked inside of the turnout gear room where we have all our turn out gears when we aren't working, and I can check inside there about the lights.
I had my flashlight when I walked in there and started to look around, and I was just gonna get out of there when I heard and saw that something fell down.

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