Chapter 30

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General's pov
Two weeks had past after Dawson left Chicago and went back to Puerto Rico, after what happened between Dawson and Casey, he kind of felt like it was a closure between them and that was just a good thing.

The guys was back at the firehouse for a new shift, they where all in the briefing room because chief had something g he needed to inform them about a change that is gonna happen but it's nothing that will change at the firehouse but out on calls.

Boden - okay, listen up.  Just one announcement for today. This morning a received a phone call from headquarters. They have changed our operation boundaries.

Herrmann - oh.

Boden - starting today, there will be several blocks overlaps with the firemen and women from firehouse 20.

Gallo - damn.

He said but it was only the guys in the back that heard what Gallo said, but Brooke and Cruz heard it loud and clear.

Mouch - the official firehouse for sun-times.

Since this was the only announcement that chief had to say for today, the meeting in the briefing room was over pretty fast. Most of the guys left the room but, Cruz, Brooke, Mouch and Ritter stayed there with Gallo because they clearly noticed that Gallo have something against firehouse 20, and of course they wanted to know the reason.

Cruz - what was that?

He asked Gallo, and he saw that Mouch,Brooke and Ritter was also standing around him.

Cruz - when Chief mentioned firehouse 20, you where about to jump right out of you skin.

Gallo - what do you mean? I just reacted like everyone else.

Brooklyn - no, you didn't.

Cruz - it was different. Dramatic.

Gallo looked at Cruz and the rest of them was looking at him instead since they clearly knew that there was something behind it all.

Gallo - okay, so the paramedic over there is absolute worst. We went through EMT training together at the academy. Bad attitude, super competitive, always looking for a opportunity to fight. I tried to get along but I'm the end I would lock myself in the academy's smoke room, only to clear some distance between us.

Mouch - wow...

Gallo - anyway, you didn't hear that from me.

He walked out of the room and the four of them who was still in the briefing room looked at each other.

Brooklyn - am I the only one who would want to know who this person is.

Ritter - no, I would also like to know who that person is.

Cruz/Mouch - me too.

The four of them left the briefing room and walked in to the common room instead, Cruz and Brooke was just gonna take a cup of coffee for them when the bell went on.
Bell Truck 81, Engine 51 and Ambo 61

Brooke wasn't so happy that the bell went on since she didn't get the time to take at least one cup of coffee, but Cruz on the other hand he was glad that he didn't get a call.


Brooklyn's pov
It's the day after and shift was over, I was in the locker room with Ritter, Cruz and Gallo. The four of us was actually first talking about the weird things that happened, first someone stole a tool from truck 81 and the second part is that truck 81 got a call last night and there was a old man that had gotten knocked out and that someone had used the tool that truck had lost.

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