Chapter 53

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Casey's pov
It was two days later and it was early in the morning and I was at my apartment that I share with Severide and Stella, today we had shift but it was over an hour until we had to be there. I was in the kitchen and I was holding my uncles Rolex when I heard and saw Severide walking out of his bedroom.
Severide and I haven't been talking for two days since I haven't been home and he have locked himself in his bedroom.

Severide - Is that your uncle's Rolex?

Casey - Yup.

Severide - You going to wear it, sell it?

Casey - Not sure yet. Been thinking a lot about this watch. My uncle carried it around for years after his wife died.

Severide - Faithful.

Casey - He was lonely his whole life. When Mom would take me and Christie to his house, the only memory I have of him is a sad man sitting in a BarcaLounger, gin and tonic in his hand, staring at a TV without really watching. Just waited around for years to die. I think Uncle Jake was sending me a message. "Don't wait around like I did. Get out there and live." I, um...

I haven't told Severide about what I had said to Brooke and I haven't told anyone about it either and I don't think she has.

Casey - I told Brooke how I feel. Just laid it all out there.

Severide - Yeah, and?

Casey - And nothing yet. I think I gave her a lot to think about.

Severide - Then you wait.

Casey - Yeah. All I can do. Anyway, speaking of "get out there and live," I saw the way you and Kidd were looking at each other.

Severide - Uh... I might have done something.

Casey - Oh!

I knew exactly what he meant, Severide have been talking to me how he has been thinking about bringing up marriage to Stella but he has been a little scared.
I got up from where I was sitting and I walked over to where Severide was standing to give him a hug, I was happy for him.

Casey - I knew it.

We where both laughing a little.

Casey - Man!

We pulled away from each other.

Casey - Proud of you brother.

Severide - Thank you.

I saw Stella walking out of there bedroom and she had a big smile on her face.

Casey - Come on.

I gave her a hug as well.

Casey - Did you say yes?

Stella - Well, what was I gonna do? I mean, he had these puppy dog eyes and I could not have said no because it would have crushed him.

I was really happy for Stella and Severide, they are meant to be. The way I see Severide is looking at Stella I have never seen him looking at someone else in that way.

General's pov
Shift had started a few minutes ago and almost everyone was in the briefing room except for chief and Brooke, there would be a morning meeting and Severide was gonna announce the engagement for everyone at the morning meeting.

Chief walked in to the briefing room and almost everyone was in the room but he would start the meeting anyway even if Brooke wasn't there but she was at the firehouse.

Boden - Settle down, settle down. Severide, is there something that you wanted to say at the top here?

Severide - Yeah.

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