Chapter 54

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General's pov
A couple of minutes has passed and the guys from squad still hasn't coming out of the water and Casey is getting worried as everyone else that wasn't in the water. But Casey got tired to wait so he took up his radio to his mouth to talk with the CFD Fast Boat boat.

Casey - CFD fast boat, any sign of the divers?

Man - Negative.

He really couldn't wait anymore, the guys on squad needed help out there.

Casey - To hell with this. Send that Zodiac back her to pick me up.

Man - Copy that. On the way.

In the meantime Casey was gonna look for extra stuff that he could need in squads rig. So he went over to the rig and both Gallo and Darden followed him.

Gallo - What are we looking for?

Casey - Whatever dive gear they've got left over.

Andy - You going in?

Casey - If I can find what I need.

Gallo - Hey, Captain, I can't find a mask, fins, anything. Just... just a spare tank.

Casey - Give it to me.

Gallo gave Casey the tank and by the time the boat had gotten back to pick him up, so Casey run up to the boat and got seated down on the boat. Stella came to the boat and she was ready to come with Casey, and only because it is her fiancé that is in danger.

Stella - I'm coming with you.

Casey - You're staying here.

She was t listening to him and Casey noticed that, but he didn't want her to come with her because of Severide and it would be for the best.

Casey - Hey. That's an order.

She did back off.

Casey - I'll get him.

He went out with the CFD fast boat crew, everyone was nervous and scared of what could possibly happen out on the lake.

A few hours has passed and everyone was at Chicago med because there was one person who got hurt and this time it was Joe Cruz.
So everyone was In joe's room and dr Marcel was the one who had been taking care of Cruz this time, everyone was relieved that Cruz was okay since they almost lost him and Severide but Kelly he didn't get hurt.

Dr. Marcel - Take a deep breath in.

Cruz did as the doctor told him to do.

Dr. Marcel - You're doing remarkably well, considering what you've been through.

Herrmann - Course he is, 'cause he's a stubborn bastard.

Dr. Marcel - You keep saying. But just make sure he gets his downtime, okay?

Severide - Yeah, will do.

Boden - Thank you, Dr. Marcel.

Dr. Marcel - Yeah, you bet. All right, stay out of trouble. I'll see you again.

The doctor walked out of the room and left the guys alone and instead Chloe came walking in to the room and she most have just arrive at Chicago med.
It was actually Brooke who called Chloe and told her about what had happened, the only reason is because Brooke and Chloe are close friend and Brooke have been there for both Cruz and Chloe since the day that Cruz did meet Chloe.

Chloe - Joe, oh, my God.

Cruz - Oh, hey.

Chloe - Are you okay?

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