Chapter 28

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General's pov
It was a couple of days later, almost everyone from the second shift was at the firehouse and ready for a new shift, the only one who wasn't there was Severide. And that was all commissioner Grissom's fault and that Severide is working with the OFI for now at least.
Most of the guys where sitting in the common room and eating breakfast, Brooke was the only woman in there. Stella and Brett where walking around in the firehouse and talking, after they had just been in the locker room, the two of them where walking towards the common room when chief stopped them.

Boden - lady's.

Stella/Brett - chief.

Boden - I just wanted to let you know that I signed you up at the academy.

Stella - I have already taken the rescue certificate, chief.

Boden - no, to be an instructor.

Stella - oh....

Brett looked at Stella and smiled at her, because this was a good thing if chief choose her.

Boden - yes, people keep reaching out to me after you're performance at the leader conference

Brett - of course they are.

Boden - I talked to chief Benton and he wants you to take over the physical class.

Stella - when?

Boden - tomorrow.

Stella - okay. Yes, of course. I'm looking forward.

Boden - I knew it. I know you will do a great job.

Stella - thanks, chief.

Chief walked away and left Stella and Brett in the hallway of the firehouse. But there was on thing and that is, Stella lied about looking forward for it. Because she didn't since it would be after shift and you never could know if you would get any sleep at night on a shift.

The rest of the guys where sitting in the common room, Brooke was sitting at the end of the table with Casey, Darden, Gallo and Ritter. The rest of the guys where sitting at the start of the table or at the other table, Mouch was sitting on the couch like he usually do.

Brooklyn - so Andy, have you and Brett started to plan anything about the wedding?

Andy - actually we have.

Casey - you have?

Brooklyn - why haven't you two said a word about it then?

Andy - there haven't really been the time for it.

And that's when Stella and Brett walked in to the common room and they went to take some breakfast for them two.
Brooke got up from the chair and walked over to Stella and Brett who was standing y the kitchen island.

Brooklyn - Stella, did you know what Andy and Brett have strate for plan there wedding?

Stella - no! Why haven't you told us about it, Brett.

Brett - there haven't been time for it.

Stella - tell us something about it then!

Brett - we have decided about a small one.

Brooklyn - that's nice.

The three lady's where gonna talk a little more about the wedding when they got interrupted bu the bell that went on.
Bell Engine 51

Herrmann, Ritter and the rest of the guys on engine left and drove to the scene where they got called at. The three lady's walked over to the table where the some of the guys was sitting at, and they was gonna talk about the wedding. Casey and Andy was gonna be involved with the conversation about the wedding since it is also about Andy.

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