Chapter 56

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General's pov
Two days later and today it was gonna be a new shift at the firehouse as usual but something has changed for the passed two days.
Griffin Darden was back in Chicago and the family that he has in Chicago was really happy to have him there, Andy Darden was really damn happy to see his oldest son again but at the same time he was sad because he has missed so much for the past 7 or 8 years.

Brooke was beyond mad at Heather because she had lied to Griffin and Ben, she had told her two boys that there father died on the scene where Leslie Shay died.
Griffin haven't told his aunt or dad about the whole truth about why he is in Chicago but they would eventually find out the truth about it.

Brooke had stayed and slept over at Casey's apartment and this was the second time since she and Casey got together, Stella was just happy to have someone else around at the place and not only to be around Severide or casey.

Almost everyone was awake at the apartment, Casey, Stella and Brooke was standing in the kitchen and they soon needed to leave the apartment because of there shift today.
Casey was fixing a sandwich for himself and both Stella and Brooke was drinking a cup of coffee, Brooke was watching Griffin sleeping on the couch at the apartment.

Severide walked out of his and Stella's bedroom and he looked at the couch where he saw Griffin laying there fast asleep.

Severide - Good morning!

Stella/Brooklyn - Shh!

Severide was being loud even if he did see Griffin asleep, but he didn't thought he was being that loud but Griffin didn't wake up.

Casey - That two-hour Oregon-to-Chicago jet lag is serious business.

He was whispering so that they could just hear it and so that Griffin wouldn't hear them

Brooklyn - what do you expect? He is a teenager.

Severide - I'm having flashbacks to Andy when we were at the Academy. Guy didn't leave my couch for a year.

Casey - He said he just wanted a break from home. Told him to stay as long as he needs.

Severide - Wish Ben and Heather could have made it. Would have been good to see them.

Brooklyn - it would be fun if I could see Ben at least but not Heather.

Stella - Do we need to tell him
we're heading out?

Brooklyn - He said he'd come by later. Let him sleep.

Severide - Let's go.

Stella - Okay.

They took there things and they walked out of the apartment, Casey took a last look at Griffin from the front door before he closed the front door.

Time had passed and shift had started and just a few minutes after shift had started ambo 61 had left the firehouse because of the call that they got.
The guys on squad, truck and engine was in the briefing room and ready for the morning meeting that the paramedics would had to miss.
Severide walked in to the briefing room and he got meet by Stella and Herrmann who was having a competition between each other.
Stella and Herrmann were doing the plank and having a competition about who could do for the longest which the guys in the briefing room was laughing about. Severide walked up to Gallo who was watching Stella and Herrmann and he thought it as fun as well to see.

Mouch - Both lieutenants showing no signs of fatigue. It's the age-old showdown, Truck versus Engine.

Severide - How long they been going?

He asked Gallo and he looked down on his watch before he answered Severide.

Gallo - Almost five minutes.

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