My Mom

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Derek and Stiles were lying in bed. It had been a rough day with the pack, and they came home exhausted. Stiles had fallen asleep in Derek's arms. Derek had found it hard to sleep and just kept an eye over Stiles. 

Stiles readjusted in Derek's arms, accidentally bopping him in the chin. 

"Stiles quit moving," Derek groaned.


Derek looks down at Stiles. "Are you okay?"

Stiles sighed heavily, "I wish you could've met my mom." 

Derek held his breath in shock. Stiles looked at him due to his chest stopping. 

"I'm sorry, that was random."

"No,'s okay," Derek's voice slightly cracked.

"Derek?" Stiles sat up on his lap to see him better. "Why are you crying?" he cupped Derek's face gently. 

"I don't know," he sighed shakily. 

Stiles softly smiled. "She would've liked you a lot." 

Derek sniffed, pouting like a sad puppy.

"Oh, you poor baby," Stiles chuckled, whipping his tears. 

Derek pulled Stiles into a hug that he gladly reciprocated. Stiles placed a kiss on his head.

"I love you, Stiles," he whispered.

"I love you too."

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