Chapter Four

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Kim Hong Joong

Hong Joong stepped out of the car and fixed his jacket, Axel also stepped out and before Hong Joong could walk away Axel grabbed him. Hong Joong looked at him with a questionable facial expression.

"Axel?" He asked.

"Is this a date?" Axel asked.

"I can't have friends?" Hong Joong asked.

"We're not here for that Your Royal Highness." He whispered.

"It's something that could potentially led to a date." Hong Joong whispered.

Axel nodded before Iris stepped out of the car, Hong Joong smiled at her before standing beside her.

"Have you ever eaten here before?" He asked looking down at her.

"No, this place is way out of my price range." She laughed.

"Don't worry, this is on me." He smiled.

Iris looked up at him before smiling.

"Ok, but I'll pay you back." She said.

"Deal." He chuckled.

He followed her inside before shooing Axel away, Axel got the hint and separated himself from them.

"Where did Axel go?" She asked.

"Oh he likes to eat alone." He said pulling out her chair.

"Oh, Thank you." She said sitting down.

"You're welcome." He smiled sitting down.

He looked at the menu while also stealing glances at her, she looked through the menu before placing it on the table.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at the bored look on her face.

"The place is so expensive for small portions and probably not even good, I know a place." She said.

"I heard this was the best place in town though." He said.

"Don't believe everything you hear, come on." She said standing.

Hong Joong sighed before standing up also, he followed behind her not knowing Axel was right behind him.

"Where are we going?" Hong Joong asked as they walked to the car.

"Do you like seafood?" She asked.

"Yes my cook makes the most splendi-"

Axel cleared his throat as Iris looked at him weirdly.

"I mean I've had plenty of seafood dishes." He said clearing his throat.

Iris chuckled before getting into the car, Hong Joong curiously watched the roads as she instructed Axel on where to go. Once they reached the restaurant Hong Joong became uncomfortable, this place was well below him.

"I promise you the outside may be a little rough around the edges but the food is delicious." She said.

Hong Joong let out a nervous chuckle as he followed behind her.

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