Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Iris Quinn

Iris smiled as she looked at her family as they held conversation with one another, it was her last night to spend with them and it was bittersweet for her. She was going to miss seeing them whenever she wanted, she picked up her fork as she continued eating.

"You ok?" Isla asked.

Iris smiled and nodded.

"Just going to miss you guys." She said.

Isla smacked her lips and chuckled.

"Chile, you are about to live a little girls dream with prince charming over there. We will be fine, and we're only a phone call away, you got that big ass ring on your finger and a man who worships the ground you walk on. You are in good hands." Isla reassured her.

"Alright all state." Iris laughed.

Isla giggled.

"So any word from Charlotte?" She asked.

Iris scuffed before grabbing her glass of wine and taking a sip.

"Fuck her, she was never my friend." Iris sighed.

"I could've told you that, I never liked her any way she was always throwing little slick comments anyway." Isla scuffed rolling her eyes.

"I just didn't understand how she couldn't be happy for me." Iris said.

"People like that will never be happy for you, she jealous she wants to be in the spot that you're in." Isla said.

"I just didn't take her as the jealous type you know, she was always supportive of the things I did." Iris sighed.

"Well now you know and it's time to stop feeling like you need closure or an explanation from her. Live you life and move the fuck on, it is what the fuck it is." Isla shrugged.

"You're right." Iris nodded.

"I know. You ready?" She asked.

"I am, I'm anxious as well." Iris said.

"I will be waiting at my phone hand and foot, if the tone of your voice sounds any different I will come down there with razor blades and lemon juice." Isla said.

Iris laughed before embracing Isla in a hug.

"Thank you for being you Izzie." She smiled.

"Of course, you know I love you." Isla smiled.

"I know." She released her before sitting back down.

They continued to talk before it began to get late, she looked at John and Jennifer before embracing them into a hug.

"I am going to miss you guys so much." She mumbled.

"Oh honey, we're going to miss you more. Call us when you can." Jennifer sighed as she released her.

"I promise I will, Daddy." Iris looked at John.

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