Chapter Eight

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Iris Quinn

Iris yawned as she stepped out of her office building, she was so happy it was finally the weekend, she began heading to the bus stop when a car pulled up beside her, she smiled as the window rolled down.

"Hong Joong." She smiled.

Hong Joong smiled at her before turning the car off and getting out.

"Hi." He smiled.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I thought it would be nice to pick you up from work." He smiled stuffing his hands into his pocket.

Iris smiled as she looked him up and down, he always dress so casual yet so comfortable. She locked eyes with him and smiled even harder.

"Ok." She smiled.

He opened the passenger side and opened it for her, she tapped his nose before getting inside. She watched as he got into the drivers side and pull off.

"How was work?" He asked.

"Other than my boss being a complete was good." She smiled.

Hong Joong chuckled.

"I haven't seen you these past few days, is everything ok?" She asked,

"Oh yeah, I was just going through something nothing to worry about." He smiled at her.

"Are you ok now?" She asked.

"Now that I'm around you, I'm perfect." He chuckle squeezing her hand.

She blushed and looked out the window, she scrunched her face up knowing they were going the opposite direction of their apartment she looked at him.

"Hong Joong where are we even going?" She asked.

"A place, just sit back and relax." He smiled.

Iris squinted her eyes and did as told as she glared at him suspiciously, once they made it she realized they were downtown. He opened her car door and helped her out as she looked around, he snickered at her before grabbing her hand.

"Hong Joong, what do you have planned?" She laughed as she walked beside him.

He smiled at her before going to her left side and placing her on the right side of him, Iris looked at him and smiled. Her father always said if a man doesn't walk on the outter side of the street when you're walking together he isn't a man.

"Come on." He chuckled as he held the door open for her.

Iris looked at the building seeing they were at a theatre.

"Are we about to watch a movie or something?" She asked.

"Would you stop asking questions and come inside?" He asked.

"Ok, Ok." She laughed going inside.

He looked around before grabbing her hand, they walked into a room that was dark. Hong Joong flipped the lights on causing Iris to look around, she smiled as she noticed the piano.

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