Chapter Forty-Seven

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Iris Quinn

Iris looked at her make up and smiled before sitting back in the chair, she glanced at Ivy who was also getting her make up done and smiled. She heard a knock on the door before nodding at Eden to open it.

"Oh look at my babies." Jennifer smiled.

Iris blushed before facing her mother, she embraced her in a hug and let out a breath.

"You look beautiful." Iris smiled a she looked over her mothers outfit.

"Facts, looking good momma." Ivy smiled.

"Aw stop it, I have something for you." Jennifer smiled.

"What?" Iris asked.

Jennifer smiled and grabbed her hand leading her to the sofa. Iris sat down as Jennifer pulled out a box from a bag she didn't even know she was holding. She pulled out a pair of pearls causing Iris to gasp and cover her mouth.

"Grandma's pearls." Iris smiled.

Jennifer smiled.

"I gave Ivy the earrings on her wedding day but I know Nana would've want you to have her pearls." Jennifer smiled.

Iris fanned her face as her mother placed the pearls on her neck. Ivy smiled as she looked at them through the mirror.

"Mommy." Iris said as she touched her neck.

"Don't cry now Iris, you're going to ruin your make up." Jennifer sniffed as Eden passed her a napkin.

Iris took a deep breath before sitting back in the chair.

"How would you like me to style it your highness."

Iris looked in the mirror as she thought for a second.

"Cut it." Iris said.

"WHAT!" Ivy yelled.

"Your Highness." Eden said in shock.

"Iris I done grown this hair to the middle of your back are you seriously going to cut it?" Jennifer asked.

Iris giggled.

"It will grow back momma, but I want something new...cut it to right here." Iris said as she pointed at her shoulder.

"HELL NO!" Ivy yelled.

"Iris are you sure about this?" Jennifer asked.

"Momma I am positive, please continue." Iris smiled.

Iris watched the hairstylist cut and trimmed her hair to her liking for flat ironing it, Iris stood up and looked in the mirror before smiling.

"I love it." She smiled.

"I can't believe you actually went through with it." Ivy shook her head.

"Shut up you like it?" Iris asked facing her.

"It's beautiful." Ivy chuckled.

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