Chapter Twenty-Three

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Kim Hong Joong

Hong Joong stretched as he watched Iris goof around with her cousins, he didn't realize how family oriented she was until now. It looked good on her, and he couldn't wait until they have a family on their own.

"So we're going to do two teams, now fellas this is just a game of please try to have fun." John said.

"Yeah aight." Marcus mumbled.

"Ian, Isaiah, and HJ are a team and Me,Daniel and Marcus everyone huddle up get your plays together and may the best men win." John said.

Everyone nodded as they separated, Hong Joong stood beside Ian and Isaiah.

"So how do y'all want to play it?" Isaiah asked.

"So of course I'm the best shooter, you two can play defense and we can go off of that. Marcus play like a punk so be careful of him." Ian said.

"What do you mean?" Hong Joong asked.

"He calls out Isolation every chance he get, so just prepared to go head to head with him." Ian explained.

Hong Joong glanced at Marcus and nodded, they went over a few more things before getting into position as the game began. Things were going good, the chemistry Ian and Isaiah had was rubbing off on Hong Joong.

"ISO!" Marcus yelled.

Ian and Isaiah looked at one another before Hong Joong scuffed and placed his hands on his knees.

"What's up pretty boy?" Marcus taunted.

Hong Joong chuckled as he began bouncing the ball, he quickly stepped to the left before going to the right breaking Marcus ankles and scoring a lay up.

"Nothing much...pretty boy." Hong Joong smirked.

The game continued and every chance Marcus got he would call Iso, they needed one more point to score. Hong Joong placed his hands on his knees before Ian passed him the ball.

"Check." Hong Joong said passing the ball to Marcus.

"Check." Marcus scuffed before passing it back.

Hong Joong bounced the ball as he tried to make his way around Marcus.

"I'm going to make you my bitch, and then I'm going to take your bitch and show her what a real king is." Marcus whispered.

Hong Joong looked at him before throwing the ball at his face, everyone gasp as he got on top of him and began punching him.

"Hong Joong." Iris said trying to grab him.

He felt multiple arms wrap around him before being pulled off of Marcus.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Daniel yelled as he helped Marcus up.

Hong Joong looked at a bruised up Marcus in shock not knowing what came over him, he looked around at all the shock facial expressions before walking away. He couldn't believe he let Marcus get under his skin or better yet act that way in front of her family, he was ashamed of himself.

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