Chapter Twenty-Six

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Five Months Later

Iris Quinn

Iris fixed her hair as she looked in the mirror, Hong Joong told her to dress to empress and she already knew what today was. He was going to propose, she felt completed these past five months have been a bliss full of adventure. They were two peas in a pot she was his Axel, everywhere he was so was she. She rubbed her hands down her dress and smiled, she wore a mini dress with opened toed high heels. She paired a bracelet and some stud earrings with it, not too much but just enough.

She sprayed perfume on her body before looking at her now empty apartment, all that was left in there was a few boxes. Everything else was sold off, she grabbed the door knob before taking a deep breath opening the door.

"Damn." He huffed looking her up and down.

"Hong Joong, I thought I was going to meet you downstairs?" She asked.

"I was just heading down, but I'm glad I was moving slow." He smirked pulling her close.

Iris blushed as she locked eyes with him, she felt she was blessed to be in his presence. He pecked her lips before taking her hand leading her to the elevator, they stepped on and headed to the parking garage. Once they got into the car Axel pulled off, Iris took the time to take in the city she grew up in.

"Can you believe it's been five months already?" He asked.

"I can't it went by like a blink." She giggled.

"We have two months left, and we're off to my home. I can't wait to show you all the fun things to do in Xenovia." He smiled.

Iris smiled and nodded. She couldn't wait either, she was ready for a change. She squeezed his hand as the car came to a stop, he quickly got out and helped her out. She looked at the building in shock.

"Hong Joong? Why are we at the Epiphany sky place?" She asked.

"You're special and you deserve the world and much more." He smiled grabbing her hand.

"But how?" She asked.

"I have my ways." He chuckled.

Iris giggled as he helped her upstairs, once they reached the top he guided her to an elevator. She gripped his hand for dear life as she looked at how high they were off the ground, Hong Joong glanced at her before kissing her palm.

"It's ok." He said.

"I just never been this high before." She mumbled.

"I'm right here, and besides I got the elevators doubled checked just in case." He reassured her.

Iris nodded feeling herself calm down, the elevator came to a stop and he grabbed her hand guiding her toward the roof.


Iris jumped as she looked around noticing her family. She covered her mouth and giggled, she hadn't seen much of them since the wedding.

"Oh my god what are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"We've missed you to Iris." Ivy giggled.

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