Chapter Twenty

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Iris Quinn

Iris grabbed her purse and Ivy's gift before leaving her apartment. Just as she opened her door Hong Joong was knocking.

"Hong Joong?" She asked.

He smiled as he looked at her up and down.

"I was going to take you to the bridal shower." He said.

"Thank you because I didn't want to take a taxi carrying this gift." She said.

Hong Joong smiled before grabbing it out of her hand. He passed it to Axel before grabbing her hand.

"You look stunning." He smiled.

"Thank you." She blushed.

He smiled as they stepped onto the elevator.

"What did you get here?" He asked.

"I'm embarrassed to say." Iris giggled.

"What is it?" He asked in a chuckle.

Iris looked at Axel before whispering in Hong Joong's ear.

"Toys for his and hers." She whispered.

Hong Joong looked at her confused.

" know." She said.

"Ohhhhhhh- OHHHHH." He gasped.

Iris laughed as the elevator doors opened. They walked to the car hand in hand before her helped her inside. The drive to Ivy's homes was long considering she stayed on the opposite side of town.

"Jesus this house is huge." Hong Joong said.

"Yeah, Daniel family is loaded." She chuckled.

Hong Joong opened her door and helped her out.

"Do you want to come inside for a second?" She asked.

"Sure, I mean who else is going to help carry this package?" He asked grabbing the gift out the back.

Iris laughed and shook her head. Hong Joong let Axel know he'll be right back before following her inside.

"Ahhhh Iris is here."

Iris groaned as her cousin Irene embraced her in a hug.

"Irene." Iris smiled.

"You look beautiful as always, and who is this handsome fellow?" She asked.

"This is my boyfriend Hong Joong, Hong Joong this is my big cousin Irene." Iris said.

"Nice to meet you." He nodded.

Irene smiled as she looked him up and down. Iris stepped in front of Hong Joong blocking her view.

"Don't try me." She whispered.

Irene scrunched up her face and quickly nodded.

"I'm picking up what you putting down." She said.

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