Chapter Twenty-One

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Hong Joong

Hong Joong excitedly packed his bag, he couldn't wait to spend this week with Iris family. He went on and on talking her ear off about how excited he was, he was for sure that she was annoyed but he didn't care he was a family oriented man surprisingly since he didn't come from a family oriented family.

"Do you think we're going to play spades? Oh do you think they'll like me? should I change into something more comfortable? Is this to much?" He asked.

Iris laughed and placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Hong Joong, relax. My family isn't like that, you look fine they'll love you just like I do." She pecked his cheek.

Hong Joong nodded letting out a breath, he finished packing before placing his bag by the door.

"Now, I'll be back I have to stop at my apartment to grab my phone charger." She said.

"Ok, Axel and I will take the bags to the car." He said.

She nodded before leaving, Axel grabbed some luggage leaving the smallest bags for him.

"I am not weak you know." Hong Joong scuffed grabbing the bags.

"Whatever you say your highness." Axel chuckled.

"Axel, can you try this week to not call me by Your Highness just drop the honorifics all together this week?" Hong Joong asked.

"May I ask why?" He asked.

"I just want this week to be completely normal, I don't want them to feel uncomfortable. I am a powerful man but I don't want them to feel like they have to act a certain way around me." He said.

"I completely understand Hong Joong." Axel smiled as the elevator opened.

Hong Joong smiled before stepping onto the elevator.

"Are you nervous?" Axel asked.

"I think I'm only nervous about meeting her father, she is the baby of the family so I know I'm in for a ride." He said.

"You'll be fine." Axel said.

Hong Joong nodded as they stepped off the elevator. They placed the bags into the car before waiting for Iris, she did a little jog to the car causing him to smile.

"Ok, I'm sorry." She said as he opened her door.

"It's fine we weren't waiting long." He said helping her inside.

"Oh ok." She said.

He got into the car and typed the address into the GPS. The drive didn't even feel like an hour thanks to the music and road games they played, he parked the car next to a few others before helping Iris out.

"This house is huge." Hong Joong said.

"Yeah, it's been renovated a few times." Iris nodded.

She grabbed his hand before walking toward the house, once they got inside a strong food aroma hit his nose.


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