Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hong Joong

Hong Joong opened his eyes to be met with Iris's, she smiled as she caressed his cheek.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked.

"I slept good." He smiled.

"I guess the food put you in a coma because baby once you ate you was out of there." She laughed.

"One thing for sure your dad can make some good ribs, and the Mac and cheese was out of this world." He laughed.

Iris smiled as she sat up.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed the food." She smiled.

"Yes and I met a few of your cousins and of course your dad." He said sitting up.

"I didn't even get the chance to ask how did that go?" She asked.

"Your dad...he's skeptical of me for sure but he was better than I expected." He said.

"Good." She said getting up.

Hong Joong also followed her into the bathroom as they began brushing there teeth together.

"You should've seen Axel, he fit right in." He said.

"I seen he wasn't so on guard." She chuckled.

"I know right, your dad mentioned a game of basketball." He said.

Iris spit before rinsing her mouth.

"Hm, you think you can handle it?" She asked.

"It's basketball. I got this in the bag." He said.

"Yeah ok." She laughed.

He spit and began rinsing his mouth.

"Don't believe me?" He asked.

"Well we'll see." She smirked pulling his by the waist.

He looked down at her as she held that seductive smirk. He wanted to he needed to taste her. He caressed her cheek before placing his lips on hers.

"I'll win, just for you." He smiled.

Iris smiled before going back to there room. He let out a breath before following her. Once they stepped out of the room, the smell of breakfast hit his nose.

They made there way to the dining room to see Jennifer placing big bowls of breakfast food in the middle. From pancakes to French toast anything you name it she cooked it.

"Momma why you ain't wake me up? I could've helped you cook." Iris asked.

"Well you looked exhausted and besides Irene and Ivy helped." She smiled.

"Good morning guys." Ivy smiled.

"Good morning." Hong Joong smiled.

Hong Joong heard multiple footsteps before seeing John, and a few of Iris's cousins.

"Oh HJ this is my fiancé Daniel, Daniel this is HJ Iris's boyfriend." Ivy said.

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