Chapter Forty-Six

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Iris Quinn

Iris smiled as she continued to pack her luggage. It was the night before the wedding and she was feeling a lot of mixed emotions.

"Your Highness." Eden said.

"What's up Eden?" Iris asked.

"Are you ok?" Eden asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Can you please put this in the van?" Iris asked.

"Yes your highness." Eden nodded grabbing the luggage.

Iris sat on the bed before placing her head in her hands. She heard a knock on the door before standing up.

"Baby girl, it's me." John said.

Iris smiled before opening the door, she stepped to the side allowing him in before closing the door back.

"Hey daddy." She smiled before sitting down.

"I brought some snacks, let's go sit on the patio." He suggested.

Iris smiled and nodded before following him to the patio. They sat down before she looked at the sky.

"What's going through ya mind?" He asked pulling out a joint.

Iris sighed as he lit the joint.

"A lot." She mumbled.

John nodded as he inhaled.

"Like what?" He asked exhaling.

"Kind of nervous and scared. Daddy I'm only 22...I don't know shit about being a wife. Am I'm making the right decision? Or is it because I'm in love?" She asked.

John sighed as he passed her the joint. Iris took it and inhaled.

"Baby girl, I can't answer that for you. I can tell you two love one another and age doesn't matter. I raised you to be the Queen that you are, stay true to Iris no one else." He said.

Iris exhaled before passing the joint to him. She sighed throwing her head back.

"It's just pre wedding jitters." She mumbled.

"Exactly." John chuckled.

"Tomorrow is the day daddy, I will no longer be a Quinn but a Kim." She said.

"I am prepared to give you away, I know I'll probably cry but HJ is a good man." John exhaled.

Iris nodded letting her fathers word sink. She was feeling all types of things she wanted to see Hong Joong but it was bad luck to see the groom before the wedding.

"I love you daddy." Iris smiled.

John smiled before passing her the joint.

"I love you too baby girl." He smiled.

They talked for a few more minutes until the joint was gone. Iris felt her high kicking in as she made her way to her room. She flopped on the bed as she felt her phone vibrating, she smiled seeing Hong Joong calling.

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