Chapter Forty-Eight

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Iris Kim

Iris looked in the mirror and smiled as she grazed her hands down her gown. She removed her veil and patted her tears before turning to face Hong Joong.

"You look amazing." She smiled.

"Me what about you?" He asked in a chuckle.

"Me what about you?" He asked in a chuckle

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"I mean I try." She giggled.

Hong Joong smiled pulling her close.

"Well Mrs.Kim shall we?" He asked holding his arm out.

Iris blushed before locking her arm with his.

"We shall Mr.Kim." She smiled.

Hong Joong chuckled as he opened the door. They walked toward the exit before he stopped them.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Their are going to be a lot of cameras outside. Are you ok to go out?" He asked.

"As long as I have my husband beside me I will be fine." She smiled.

"I love you." He said looking down at her.

Iris smiled as she looked up at him.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Ready." He smiled.

He nodded at the Royal Guards before they opened the door. Cameras flashed their faces as they stood at the top of the stairs.

Iris smiled as she looked at poster boards that people created. They slowly walked down the stairs and into the limo. Iris let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yes." She smiled sitting back.

Once they made it to the reception venue. Iris and Hong Joong went to another dressing room where most of the wedding party were.

"The woman of the hour, Your Majesty you look amazing." Mingi smiled.

"Thank you, you guys look good." Iris smiled as she looked around.

" Iris smiled as she looked around

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