Chapter Sixty

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Three months later

Kim Hong Joong

Hong Joong collapse on the bed out of breath before Iris laid her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and smiled.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you to." She smiled.

"I do not feeling like going to this meeting. What the fuck could the president even want?" He sighed.

"Who knows." Iris sighed sitting up.

They were in Washington D.C. for this meeting with the other world leaders. Hong Joong had mixed feelings about the whole thing. He was curious, he watched as Iris wrapped herself in a robe and smiled.

"What are you staring at?" She asked looking over her shoulder.

"I can't admire my beautiful wife?" He asked sitting up.

"What you can do is come take a shower with me so we can get ready." Iris giggled.

"Yes ma'am, do I get a special treat?" He asked with a smirk.

"Maybe." She laughed.

Hong Joong smiled as he followed her to the bathroom. They showered and to his disappointment their was no special treat.

"Please Hong Joong if we would've had sex we would be late." Iris sighed.

Hong Joong scuffed as he fixed his tie.

"I just can't get enough of you." He said wrapping his arms around her.

Iris smiled before facing him.

"I can't get enough of you either." She smiled.

"Then give me five minutes." He smirked squeezing her butt.

"Boy now you know damn well it ain't gone take five minutes." She laughed.

"This weight you put on looks amazing on you." He bit his lip.

Iris gasped.

"Are you trying to call me fat?" She asked.

Before he could respond their was a knock on their door. Iris quickly got out of his grip before answering it.

"Your Majesty, it's time." Eden smiled.

"Eden, do I look fat?" She asked.

"Oh my god Lovie I didn't say that, you gaining in all the right places." He bit his lip.

"No your majesty, you look beautiful." Eden smiled.

Iris sighed as she rubbed her hands through her hair.

"I'm sorry that I offended you, you look marvelous as always." He said grabbing her hand.

Iris smiled as he pecked her cheek. They left the hotel hand in hand, once they stepped outside paparazzi gathered around them. Thanks to the security they made it to the car safely.

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