Chapter Fifty-Five

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Iris Kim

Iris looked at herself in the mirror as she placed on her earrings. Her first night sleeping in this palace was good. Hong Joong was their with her...finally.

"Lovie the car is ready." Hong Joong said as he leaned on the door.

"Ok, let me just put my shoes on." She said as she sat on the bed.

"I got it." Hong Joong said.

Iris smiled as he kneeled in front of her. He grabbed her foot and slid her high heel on before strapping them on.

"Don't be trying anything funny." She said pointing her finger at him.

Hong Joong chuckled as he pecked her leg as he looked up at her. Iris gulped before thumping him in his forehead.

"Ouch Lovie, Jesus come on it's been three weeks." He groaned.

"I don't care." She said grabbing her other heel.

Hong Joong huffed as he snatched the heel out of her hand and placed it on her foot.

"Come on." He said standing.

Iris giggled as he grabbed her hand.

"You look so beautiful." He said as they walked down the stairs.

"Thank you." She said.

Hong Joong watched her back side as they stepped out of the palace. He shook the naughty thoughts out of his head as Eden held the door opened for them.

"Thanks Eden." Iris smiled as she got inside.

The drive to ministry was hectic, their were so many people on the streets celebrating. Iris felt joy that people were excited she was about to become Queen.

"It's literally so many people." Iris laughed.

"It is." Hong Joong said as he looked out the window.

The car came to a stop and Iris felt excited. Hong Joong glanced at her and smiled as Axel opened his door. He stepped out and waved at the people as Eden opened Iris door. Hong Joong walked to the other side of the car and grabbed her hand.

"You've seen it here first folks, Prince and Princess Hong Joong and Iris are now arriving at Xenovia Chapel. Today is the day they will be sworn in as King and Queen."

Iris smiled as cameras began to flash,  Hong Joong held her closely as he felt her tense up.

"Don't be nervous, I'm right here." He whispered in her ear.

Iris smiled as they began heading into the chapel. Iris let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Oh how I wish my family was here." She mumbled.

They got seated into their directed chairs before the ceremony began. Iris took a deep breath as she watched the pastor pray over them. Once he was done, they swore Hong Joong in first.

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