Chapter Forty-Four

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Iris Quinn

Iris looked stepped out the shower and looked at herself in the mirror before wrapping the towel around her body. She was excited about today because it was the day of the cookout, it has been a while since she's had her parents good cooking. Hong Joong was so excited he woke up before her to help her father prep the grill.

Iris lathered herself up in lotion before looking in the closet for something to wear, she settled on a sun dress paired with black wedges. She slicked her hair into a neat bun before spraying herself with perfume.

"Good afternoon your highness." Eden smiled.

Iris looked at her up and down before smiling.

"Good afternoon Eden, this is the first time I've seen you with regular clothes." Iris smiled.

"Your highness insist everyone to wear comfortable clothes." She smiled.

"Where is he?" Iris asked.

"He's by the poolside with your father and cousins." She said.

Iris nodded as they began walking downstairs.

"And my mother?" She asked.

"She's in the kitchen with the rest of the ladies." Eden said.

Iris nodded as they reached the bottom of the stairs, they walked into the kitchen and Iris could have sworn she walked into chaos. Her mother and Lin covered in flour just casually laughing with one another.

"COUSIN IRIS!" Imani yelled running to Iris.

"Imani no running in the kitchen." Ivy warned.

"Sorry." She mumbled.

"Hey Imani, momma what the hell is going on? Where is Suzanne?" Iris asked.

Jennifer giggled and shook her head.

"I refuse to let anyone know my mac and cheese recipe." Jennifer smiled.

"Your mother is an amazing cook." Lin mumbled as she chewed.

"Thank you, She's taste testing the little sample of mac and cheese." Jennifer smiled as she began stirring the pot.

"Ok, where is Suzanne?" Iris asked.

"Oh Hong Joong gave her the day off so I can have the kitchen to myself." Jennifer smiled.

Iris looked around the kitchen and nodded.

"Do you need any help?" Iris asked.

"Nope I don't but you can help Isla and Irene with the potato salad or help the girls make cookies." She said.

Imani tugged her dress causing her to look down.

"You can help us with cookies." Imani smiled.

Iris chuckled and nodded grabbing an apron before going further into the kitchen. She smiled when she seen her cousins and her sister, she stood beside Ivy who was making cookie dough from scratch.

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