Chapter Forty-Nine

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Iris Kim

Iris smiled as they finally landed, she noticed that they were landing directly at their vacation house. It was night once they reached Brazil, they slept through the entire ride.

"It's so beautiful." Iris smiled.

Hong Joong glanced at Iris and smiled.

"Indeed it is." He whispered.

He helped her off of the helicopter before grabbing her hand.

"So the property is clear, and Ivy left a treat for you guys."Axel said as he walked toward them.

"Thank you Axel, you and Eden may be dismissed." Hong Joong nodded.

Axel and Eden nodded before dismissing themselves.

"Let's go settle in." Hong Joong smiled.

Iris nodded as they walked into the huge villa. There was nothing surrounding them but water.

The only way to get there was a helicopter or a boat

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The only way to get there was a helicopter or a boat. Iris didn't mind the privacy, it was good to be away from press and reporters.

"Wow, this is so perfect." Hong Joong smiled.

"I can't wait until we see how it looks in the daylight." Iris smiled.

Hong Joong nodded as he walked through the villa. He spotted the bed room and smiled as he looked at the basket on the bed.

He grabbed the card and chuckled.

"For Hong Joong, I didn't know what size to get so I got 'em all haha." He mumbled reading the card.

He placed the card down and looked into the basket seeing condoms. He chuckled before grabbing the basket and placing it under the bed. Iris walked in and smiled as she looked around the room.

"Ivy did good." Iris smiled flopping on the bed.

"Indeed she did, are you sleepy? What do you want to do?" He asked.

Iris looked around at the pool and smiled.

"Let's swim?" She asked.

Hong Joong nodded, they changed into their swimsuits before going outside.

"It's so peaceful." She smiled as he helped her in the pool.

Hong Joong nodded as he poured them both a glass a wine.

"I seen jet skis near the ocean we should take 'em for a swing soon." Hong Joong smiled handing her the wine.

Iris nodded as she sipped from her cup.

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