Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Kim Hong Joong

Hong Joong placed the paper work in a folder before handing it to Axel. Iris meant exactly what she said last night. The papers will be on Jong Ho's desk this morning.

"Thank you Axel, have you seen Iris?" He asked.

"She had a meeting with her ladies, she should be arriving shortly." Axel said.

Hong Joong nodded as Axel left, he finished up his paper work and sighed. He rubbed his temples and let out a breath.

"Hi baby." Iris smiled as she leaned against the door.

Hong Joong smiled as he sat up and opened his arms. He opened and closed his palmed with a smile on his face.

Iris giggled before sitting in his lap, he cradled her closer to his chest as he rested his head on her chest.

"You ok?" She asked.

"Mhm, I just missed you." He mumbled.

"I missed you more." She smiled.

He pecked her lips and smiled.

"If you miss me so much, why don't you show me?" He ask as he placed his hand on her thigh.

Before Iris could respond Eden came in.

"Your Majesty's." She curtseyed.

"Eden what's wrong?" Iris asked.

"Yeah Eden what could possibly be soooo important?" Hong Joong asked annoyed.

"My apologies your Majesty's but you've received a letter from The President Of the United states." She said.

Iris and Hong Joong looked at one another before Iris rolled the letter.

"Dear King and Queen Kim, I would like to have a meeting with you and some other world leaders to discuss a matter. Please respond sincerely Mr.President."  Iris read aloud.

"Hm." Hong Joong said sitting back.

"Whatever the U.S. wants they're not getting." Iris said tossing the letter on the table.

"We should at least hear what they have to say." Hong Joong shrugged.

"I can do that, but that's it." She said.

Hong Joong smiled.

"What is your beef with the U.S?" He asked in a chuckle.

"Come on now, the U.S. is money hungry. They sneaky as fuck to and they're spoiled as soon as we don't give them what they want, they start bitching and moaning." She said.

"That is true, they probably want resources." He shrugged.

"That they aren't getting, I have to go." She said standing up.

"And where are you running off to Mrs.Kim I wasn't done with you." He said.

"I have a meeting with the parliament, I should be back before dinner." She said.

"Ok, I love you." He blew her kisses.

Iris gigged as she caught it placing it in her pocket.

"I love you to." She giggled.

Hong Joong smiled as he watched Eden follow behind Iris. He groaned as he placed his head onto the desk.

"Your Majesty are you ok?" Axel asked.

"My wife is holding out on me tomorrow will make it a month since we've had sex." He groaned.

Axel cleared his throat to cover up his chuckled.

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