1. The Two Higher-Ups

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I started/uploaded this story on another site, but after a few years I now figured I'd also like it on Wattpad! Hope you enjoy it!

PS. I was a lot younger when I started this story, so the quality of writing at the beginning definitely differs from a bit later on in the story, just fyi!

Finally I'm here. I've been waiting for this for years. (y/n) thought.

"STRAIGHTEN THOSE SPINES, piss-eds! THE 104TH CADET CORP BOOT CAMP STARTS NOW! Allow me to introduce myself. I'm commandant Keith Shadis and you will grow to hate me! Training is going to be a white-knuckle ride through hell! If I've done my job well, you'll be waking up in a cold sweat for the rest of your miserable lives. Right now you're nothing, life-stock, but over the next three soul crushing years you'll learn to take down your own Goliath. Here's where you ask yourself; am I a fighter? Or am I feed? Will I be munched to pulp? OR WILL I BE THE ONE WHO BITES!" he yelled.

He began walking through the lines of people, examining their faces. He walked past a few, seeing in their eyes that they were determined to be there.

"YOU! What do they call you, maggot?" he yelled at a small blonde kid.

"Armin Arlert from Shinganshina, sir!" Armin? Is this the kid I knew back home? I never figured he'd join the army!

"Seriously? What kind of parents would curse you with a dumb name like that?"

"It was my grandfather, sir!"

"Cadet Arlert, why is a runt like you here?!"

"To help humanity defeat the titans, sir!" he yelled, obviously stressing out.

"That's delightful to hear! You'll be a nice snack for them!" Poor Armin...

Hm. I wonder if he'll stop at me. He shouldn't have to. There's not a cell in my body that's afraid or unsure about my being here. As expected, Shadis walked right past (y/n).

He stopped at some girl who was eating a potato. What is she doing? (y/n) thought, keeping herself from laughing.Sasha, huh? I think we would get along well.

"...Are you asking me why people eat potatoes? I'm surprised you don't know that, sir..." she said. Love. Her. Already.

She sighed and gave Shadis half of her steamed potato. She was then told to run till the sun set and was deprived of meal privileges for the upcoming 5 days.

After Shadis' further examination of the cadets they were sent to their bunkers to unpack their belongings and make their beds. A small group of people stood on a wooden porch in the undergoing sun, watching Sasha in the distance, running her ass off. (y/n) joined them. Well, time to make some friends, I guess. She thought nervously. She then recognized Armin, and beside him stood Eren, who she also knew, if only slightly.

"Hey. Do you guys remember me?" (y/n) said.

"Hey-, wow, aren't you, the baker's daughter? (y/n), right?" Eren said.

(y/n) smiled and nodded.

"Yeah we remember you! You were always helping out your father by delivering bread to everyone." Armin said.

"Right. It's such a coincidence to see you guys here! Is Mikasa here as well?"

"Yeah she is. Honestly... I didn't think you were still... Uhm-," Eren muttered.

"Alive? I know, I'm amazed too. During the attack I was pretty close though..." she muttered.

"Wait," said Connie Springer, "you're from Shinganshina as well?" he asked.

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