Chapter 7

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Vegas's Main house

Kun Theerapanyakun: [leaning over a large table, discussing the shipment plans] Alright, Mat (Right hand man of KUN ) , we need to make sure the shipment arrives at the warehouse by midnight. Keep it discreet and handle the details with extreme caution.

MAT (Right Hand Man): [nodding] Understood, boss. I've arranged for our best men to handle the transportation and security. We'll make sure it goes smoothly.

[As the conversation continues, the door to the room suddenly swings open, and the mafia boss's son, Vegas, bursts in with a wild, unpredictable look in his eyes.]

Vegas : [grinning maniacally] Hey, Dad! Mat! Whatcha talking about? Can I join the fun?

Kun : [visibly annoyed, but trying to remain composed] Vegas, I told you not to interrupt when I'm in a meeting.

Vegas: [ignoring his father's warning, his voice tinged with excitement] Meeting? Oh, I love meetings! Can I come up with a plan too? I've got some great ideas, you know.

Mat: [trying to maintain a calm demeanor] Vegas. we're discussing important business matters here. This isn't a game.

Vegas: [snickering] Who said business can't be fun? Let's make it more exciting!

Kun: [firmly] Vegas, leave now. This is not the place for your antics.

Vegas:  [pouting] Oh, come on, Dad! You never let me have any fun. You and Mat are always so serious.

Mat: [glancing at Kun , then back at Vegas] Your father has his reasons, Vegas. This is dangerous work, and we need to focus.

Vegas :  [mockingly] Dangerous? I love danger! Let me be a part of it!

Kun : [losing patience] Vegas, listen carefully. The world we live in is not a playground. Your actions have consequences, and I won't let you ruin everything I've built.

Vegas: [sarcastically] Oh, excuse me for being the disappointment of the family.

Kun : [exasperated] Vegas, stop being dramatic. Go and do something else. Find a hobby that doesn't involve endangering everyone around you.

Vegas: [smirking] Fine, fine, I'll go. But you guys are no fun.

[Vegas leaves the room, his footsteps echoing down the hall as he continues his wild and unpredictable behavior.]

Mat:  [with a small smile] That boy never fails to surprise us, does he?

Kun : [sighs] He's a handful, that's for sure. But we have bigger matters to attend to. Let's get back to discussing the shipment.

[Kun  and Mat  refocus on the serious business at hand, leaving behind the chaos caused by Vegas's unexpected interruption.]

Vegas's POV
I don't know why I came home but I want to kill someone (sighs). I looked around thinking to destroy something to annoy my dad and relieve my stress  "Oh my my would you look at that" Vegas smirked.
Vegas: [ spotting his stepmother,  Cat Theerapanyakun ] Well, well, look who's here. The wicked stepmother herself.

Cat (Manipulative Step-Mother): [raising an eyebrow] Vegas, must you always be so insolent?

Vegas: [smirking] Oh, I'm sorry, Your Highness. I didn't realize I needed to bow before the almighty queen of the house.

Cat: [unfazed] Such charm and wit. I can see why your father is so proud of you.

Vegas: [sarcastically] Oh, I'm sure he's just ecstatic to have you around, my dear stepmother.

Cat: [maintaining her composure] You know, Vegas, you should show more respect to your elders.

Vegas: [mockingly] Elders? Oh, yes, of course. Forgive me for my disrespect, oh wise and all-knowing stepmother.

Cat: [masking her annoyance] Your sarcasm won't get you far, Vegas. You may think you're invincible, but you're still just a child playing in the grown-up world.

Vegas: [smirking] Oh, trust me, Cat,  I can handle myself just fine. I don't need you or anyone else telling me what to do.

Cat: [leaning in, voice icy] You may have your father fooled with your antics, but I see through your little act.

Vegas: [rolling his eyes] Wow, you are the queen of insight, aren't you?

Cat: [ignoring his remark] Just remember Vegas, this is my house now too, and I won't tolerate your disrespect.

Vegas: [mockingly apologetic] My sincerest apologies, Your Majesty. I'll try to control myself.

Cat: [glaring] Your father might indulge your childish behaviour, but don't expect the same from me.

Vegas: [smirking] Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. Your love and affection mean the world to me.

Cat: [exasperated] You're impossible.

Vegas: [laughs] That's one thing we can agree on, stepmother.

Their argument continues with Vegas's arrogant and sarcastic  demeanor pushing Cat's patience to its limit. As tensions rise, it's clear that Vegas and his stepmother are far from forming any kind of amicable relationship within the walls of the powerful mafia household.

Vegas: [smirking triumphantly] Step-mom, step-mom, it seems like you're struggling to keep up with my wit.

Cat: [gritting her teeth] Don't get too comfortable, Vegas. I may not be able to win against your arrogance, but I have ways of dealing with you.

Vegas: [laughing mockingly] Oh, I'm trembling in fear. What are you going to do, ground me?

Cat: [calmly] No, Vegas. I have no intention of trying to control you as your father does. But just remember, everyone has their weaknesses, even you.

Vegas: [raising an eyebrow] Oh really? Pray, enlighten me, dear stepmother. What are my so-called weaknesses?

Cat: [smirking] You're reckless and impulsive , Vegas. Your arrogance blinds you to the consequences of your actions.

Vegas: [leaning in with a wicked grin] And what consequences would those be? Care to enlighten me?

Cat: [keeping her cool] Someday, Vegas, your recklessness will catch up with you. And when it does, you'll find yourself alone with no one to save you.

Vegas: [laughing dismissively] Save me? I don't need anyone to save me. I'm the one who does the saving around here.

Cat: [softly, with a hint of menace] Oh, you're quite the hero in your mind, aren't you?

Vegas: [confidently] I don't need your approval or anyone else's. I make my own rules.

Cat: [leaning in, voice low and dangerous] You may think you're invincible, Vegas, but everyone has their weaknesses, even the almighty Vegas, the mafia boss's son.

Vegas: [smirking] I'm looking forward to seeing you try and exploit them, stepmom.

Cat: [with a chilling smile] You just wait, Vegas. Your arrogance will be your downfall.

Vegas: [mockingly] Well, I'll be eagerly waiting for that day to come. But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

Their argument ends in a stalemate, with Vegas's relentless arrogance leaving Cat frustrated and unable to gain the upper hand. As their tension-filled encounter comes to a close, it's clear that Vegas's wild and unpredictable nature presents a unique challenge for his manipulative stepmother.

Hey guys I'm sorry I wrote this in a rush I'm not at home. Please enjoy..and yeah Vegas has a stepmom in my story hahaha 🥰🦋💋

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