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(Song name:  yoru gaa akeru)
(Anime name : GIVEN)

Even if I can't sleep, the night will dawn
眠れなくても 夜は明ける

I'm looking at that
それを僕は 眺めている
On the irreplaceable white wall
代わり映えのない 白い壁に

The morning sun shines and the clock moves forward
朝日は射す 時計も進む

From that season when I lived with you
君と生きた あの季節から

It's like I'm the only one getting further away step by step
一歩ずつ僕だけが 遠ざかるような
Floating through the night like this

I want to
Even if I can't sleep, the night will dawn
眠れなくても 夜は明ける

I'm looking at that
それを僕は 眺めている

Things that change, things that end
変わってくこと 終わってくこと

It's about to begin

I can live without you

That's me, hey, I'm sad
それが僕は ねぇ悲しい
Look, the night will soon end
ほらもうすぐ 夜が明ける

The dawn night
Blooms in spring and dies in autumn
春に咲いて 秋に枯れる

Even so, it will sprout again no matter how many times
それでも何度でも また芽を出すと
Not in the past, but in the future
これまでじゃなく これからだよって

I know
Even if I can't sleep, the night will dawn
眠れなくても 夜は明ける

The hands we hold together will soon separate
繋いだ手も やがて離れる

Even if I'm at a loss and cry out
途方に暮れて 泣き喚いても

Eventually the crying will stop
I can live without you though
君がいなくても 生きてゆけるけど

I want to see you even if you don't love me
愛されなくても 君に会いたい
Look, the night will soon end
ほらもうすぐ 夜が明ける

The dawn night
A wish that no one knows yet whether it will come true

people call it hope
Even without you, the night will dawn
君がいなくても 夜は明ける

Our separated hands will eventually connect again
離れた手も やがてまた繋ぐ

At the end of the long night, people see light

That's why I can live even if I'm scared
だから怖くても 生きて行ける

When the sun rises, I'll start walking again
陽が昇れば また歩き出す

Look, the night will soon end
ほらもうすぐ 夜が明ける

So it's okay
Look, it's almost there, look, it's right there
ほらもうすぐ ほらすぐそこ

The dawn night

*claps* *cheers*

The venue was bathed in a soft glow as Pete's soul-stirring song echoed through the air

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The venue was bathed in a soft glow as Pete's soul-stirring song echoed through the air. The audience, captivated by the emotional resonance of the lyrics, watched as Pete poured his heart into the performance.

As the last note faded away, the announcer stepped forward with an air of anticipation. "Ladies and gentlemen, what an emotional journey we've just witnessed! Pete, your song is truly something else. Can you share a bit more about the inspiration behind it?"

Pete, his eyes reflecting the depth of the song, took a moment before responding. "Thank you. The song reflects the resilience we find within ourselves when facing life's challenges. It's about acknowledging the pain, embracing hope, and finding the strength to move forward."

The announcer, eager to delve into the emotional layers, continued, "The lyrics are powerful, especially the lines about the dawn breaking even in the darkest night. Can you elaborate on that metaphor?"

Pete nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Certainly. The dawn represents a new beginning, a fresh start. It's a reminder that no matter how dark the night, there's always a possibility for light and renewal. The metaphor encapsulates the idea that hope can emerge even in the most challenging moments."

The crowd absorbed Pete's words, a profound understanding settling among them. The announcer, sensing the depth of the song, decided to steer the conversation toward more personal matters. "Now, Pete, shifting gears a bit. The whispers and rumors about an absent alpha and a mysterious child named Venice. How does this personal journey you sing about relate to your family life?"

Pete's gaze flickered with a mix of emotions, but he composed himself. "The song reflects my personal experiences, and Venice is an integral part of that journey. As for the rest, some things are private."

The announcer, undeterred, continued, "Venice, your son, is four years old now, right? The audience is curious about him. How has fatherhood influenced your music and your perspective on life?"

A warm smile crept onto Pete's face as he spoke about his son. "Venice is my greatest inspiration. Fatherhood has brought a new depth to my music, a heightened sense of purpose. It's a journey of growth, and every day with him is a reminder of the beauty in life."

Satisfied with the response, the announcer, ever seeking drama, probed further. "But what about the alpha, Pete? The one notably absent from this family narrative. Any comment on his role or lack thereof?"

Pete's expression tightened slightly, and he chose his words carefully. "Some aspects of my life are meant to be private. Venice and I have our world, and that's what matters most."

The announcer, sensing an opportunity for intrigue, pressed on. "Rumors suggest the alpha may not be part of this 'journey.' Can you shed light on the dynamics there? Perhaps the absent alpha has a different perspective on this family you've created."

Pete's jaw tightened, but he maintained composure. "My focus is on the present, on Venice and our journey together. As for the rest, it's not something I'm inclined to discuss."

The audience felt the tension, a collective murmur indicating their engagement with the unfolding drama. The announcer, unfazed, turned the conversation back to the song. "Given the personal nature of your music, Pete, how does it feel to share such intimate experiences with the world? And how does it influence your connection with your audience?"

Pete, grateful for the shift in focus, replied, "Music is a universal language that connects us. Sharing personal experiences, even the challenging ones, creates a sense of empathy. It's a way to let others know they're not alone in their struggles. The connection with the audience becomes more profound when we share those vulnerable moments."

As Pete continued to elaborate on the power of music, the announcer, recognizing the depth of the conversation, let the topic of the song and its impact linger in the air. The venue, once filled with the haunting echoes of Pete's performance, now held a sense of shared introspection as the audience processed the emotional journey they had just witnessed.

YEAH YEAH i know this chapter is short but please enjoy...

The song is from the anime GIVEN ..please if yall are fan of bl animes please watch it ..😭😭😭its my favourite

If you guys are interested in joining my whatsapp group comment down ..i will send the link..

Comment down your thoughts how is the start ??

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