chapter 9 (s2)

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*later that night at home*

"Mommy, did you cry?" Venice placed his little hand on my face and asked. "No baby mommy tired, Video call daddy Let's talk to him" I pecked on my son's forehead."Ah no need mama, daddy and I talked a lot today so let's sleep" Venice grinned. No, I want to see him, I want fucking answers. "Ven Ven Can you sleep today without listening to daddy's voice?" I tried to manipulate my son to take a call to Vegas. "Mmm okay then let's call" Venice sighed.

*on Call*

Ven - Daddy (Venice said as soon as the call connected)

*they call Vegas with their smart TV in Pete's room so basically Vegas can see everything in the room*

Vegas - Ven, Daddy is still at work. Remember I told you that I have work let's talk tomorrow, okay dumpling?

Ven - Daddy Mommy is the one who wants to call Daddy, not me.

Vegas - oh really? Where is he now?

Ven - showering.

*Pete came out wearing these, a crop top and a short*

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*Pete came out wearing these, a crop top and a short*

Vegas gasped and Venice tucked himself and turned to sleep. He said that they both talked a lot today so it's fine.

Vegas - I'm at work, do you have something to say?"

Pete - I'm coming back to Thailand.

Vegas - What? Why?

Pete - What do you mean? I want Venice to grow up in my birth country. That's where we truly belong.

Vegas - Pete, Venice grew up there. He doesn't even know Thai..and what about his school? What about your job and what about.. umm you-  your lover?

Pete - Vegas?? Why do you seem to be scared of us coming back? Don't worry we are not going to live with you and disturb your love life with Net

Vegas - oh I almost got scared that you would ruin my love life. (Vegas said sarcastically)

Pete - you shithead.

Vegas - Stay there Pete, it's good for Ven.

Pete - I am coming back Vegas, I don't need your permission. 

Vegas (sighed) - Pete be good listen to me.

Pete - why is there someone who is trying to kill us? (I asked raising one of my eyebrows.)

Vegas flinched and I felt his mood change. He wiped his sweat and cleared his throat.

Vegas - it's not like that, I was just saying Pete. Our baby has all of his friends there. So Canada is better than Thailand for Venice and you

Pete -  Vegas are you hiding something from me?

Vegas - hide what? There is nothing to hide. By the way, I'm flying there tomorrow.  Let's go on a date. Me, you and our son. Can you postpone the mark removal for the day after tomorrow? I want to see you both.

Pete - why? Are you going somewhere?

*Pete's heart shattered, he knew the reason so it was killing him right now.*

Vegas - yeah I have somewhere to go.

Pete - where?

Vegas - To handle some business, don't know how long it will take so I want to see you guys before that. I'm going day after tomorrow.

Pete - whatever you shithead bye.

I could not hold back my tears anymore so I quickly hung up. Why is he not telling me? Why Vegas? You are still the same, a shithead.
*Vegas's POV*

"Ahhhhhhhh" I screamed in pain. It's so dark in this room, I can only smell blood here. It smells nasty. "Yes, Vegas scream louder. You pathetic loser, This wouldn't happen if you just handed over your omega to me" he said. "*spat on man's face* over my dead body you motherfucker" I yelled. *Slap* "How dare you spit on me? I'm gonna fucking cut your tongue" the man shouted in anger.

"Calm down, I know how to make him suffer" Another voice said. "how?" the man asked. "Let's damage his scented gland," The Voice said. "bawahahahhaa that's a good idea. The Almighty Vegas theerapanyakul, I told you that I'm going to send you to hell right? But you thought you owned the world, you useless pathetic idiot couldn't even keep his omega safe. And you know that he is pregnant right?"  the lady said.

"My dad is gonna kill you for this Cat" I murmured. I can't even lift my head. "let's see what your idiotic father can do hahaha" Cat said and stabbed my scented gland with a sharp knife. "ah" I screamed.
"Vegas...Vegas wake up " I felt Kinn and Porsche shaking me. "mmmm" I replied and slowly opened my eyes. "Are you okay?" Porsche asked. "hmm yeah just a nasty dream" I sighed rubbing my temples." is it about that day?" kinn asked and I simply nodded. "Vegas... Let's tell Pete everything, please" Porsche begged. "No, I'm going to see them for the last time," I said and tried to get up from the bed. "Pete is back" Kinn said looking at his phone. he just got a notification about Pete's arrival.

"What?? God dammit, I told him not to come here. why is he so stubborn?" I yelled. "Porsche go and pick him up. Let them settle down in Vegas's condo." Kinn said and Porsche nodded."It's not safe for them here Kinn" I said nervously. "Vegas because of you Porsche and Kaira is alive today. I won't forget that day. So I promise no matter what happens I will always protect your family too" Kinn tapped on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"Thank you, bro, this means a lot to me, "I said. "Vegas, I don't have a say on this but Pete deserves to know everything," Kinn said. "He won't understand me kinn, he hates me. And I was an asshole so I deserve this" I shook my head. "But you always loved him Vegas, don't forget that. Because of you, they lived happily in Canada, Pete succeeded in his career because of you, and Venice grew up without any trouble because of you. Vegas I agree you were an asshole at first but you did everything to protect them. You even gave up your health for them. Please be safe, I need you man" Kinn's eyes filled with tears he came closer to me and gave me a brotherly hug. "I don't know what to do anymore Kinn" I cried too.
😭💋awww my poor Vegas baby...

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