Side Story 1

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*Pete's POV*

It is been a month since what happened. We all tried to find Macau, but he disappeared into thin air. Vegas and others are still searching for him. I never expected Vegas to adore his family so much. Vegas is completely healed now, but his scent is not as strong as it once was; doctors say it will return once his rut appears. I am already one and a half months pregnant, and Venice was overjoyed to learn that he will have a sibling. But after that, he became more clingy and whiny, constantly seeking attention, possibly because he is afraid we will forget him once the baby arrives. So Vegas and I are always paying close attention to Venice. 

That is not the point. Vegas has been extremely busy lately, and he has no time for me. He never forgets to get Venice whatever he wants, and even if he arrives late at night, he goes to check on Venice. I have a lot of plans for our future, but Vegas does not have time to sit down and talk with me. He is gone by the time I wake up. He returns home when I am sleeping soundly. Is that jerk cheating on me? I was so frustrated that I talked to Porsche about it. He mentioned that Kinn has also been extremely busy lately. Porsche is almost 4 months pregnant; thank goodness, my little baby will have a bestie when he arrives.

"Oiii, my favorite wives of my stupid brothers."Tankhun walks up to us, shouting. Tankhun and I are now very close. He is a bit crazy, but he is a sweetheart. He will be there for us whenever we need him. He also has two bodyguards named Arm and Pol. They are also very pleasant to have around. They reminded me of Boun and Prem. I really missed them. I had planned to visit them, but Vegas is so busy, and I have exams, as well as Venice, and my pregnancy is making things difficult for me. We communicate via video calls, and Venice also speaks with his best friend. I am hoping to meet them soon. 

"Tankhun, what do you want?" Porsche sighed. Porsche is moody these days, of course, due to his pregnancy, and he has been in the mood for sex lately, but Kinn is out of the country. And taking care of Kaira is extremely difficult. She is the family’s princess. Even Vegas is extremely obedient around her. Not only that, but my bratty Venice will not move if Kaira tells him to sit and wait for her. I really love that girl . She listens to me more than she does to Porsche.  

"I want to go out; I am tired of living inside these two walls," Tankhun yelled. "It is four walls," Porsche stated. "No, it is two because I am going to break two walls to make life difficult for my brothers," Tankhun laughed.I sighed because I am certain he will do that.  
"Oii, why are you always sighing?"Tankhun asked and led us both to the couch. Porsche and I sat next to each other, with Tankhun sitting in front of us. He is very sassy, and Kaira has learned it from him.  


"kaira Come here; there is something on your face. Uncle will wipe it off." I motioned for the princess to come, but guess what. She sat in front of me, one leg against the other, one arm crossed over the other, a smug smile on her face. "Okay, first of all, you are not my uncle; you are my aunt. Second of all, whatever you saw on my face was nothing but the BWEATYYYY, OKAY? So now go and study for your exams," she said, keeping a straight face. I wanted to laugh, but I am sure she would be furious if I did. So I bit my lower lip to suppress my laughter. "It's beauty not bweaty" Venice sighed. "Shut it little Ven" kaira glared. She likes to call me Aunt because Venice calls me mommy and Vegas call me wife . Hehe fair enough . I don't really care how they calls me because I love them so much.

*flashback ends* 

"so tell me, what is it?" Tankhun asked. "Vegas has been so busy lately and has not had time for me; I think he is cheating on me," I sighed. "Same here; I want to have sex," Porsche said with a sigh. Tankhun shouted, "Let us go clubbing." "Idiot, we are pregnant." Porsche leaned forward and smacked his head. I shook my head with frustration. "So, I will do the drinking, and you can all drink non-alcoholic beverages," he said, standing up. Porsche and I were both mad at our husbands, so we got ready to go.  

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