Special Bubbly Chapter 💙🖤✨

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Happy 2nd birthday my lovely bubbles, this chapter is specially dedicated to Bubbles as a gift from me. It's not perfect but I hope you guys find a little happiness in this💙🖤🤗 (I steal the name bobo from twitter sorry)

"Vegas, wake up!" Pete shook Vegas, who was now sound asleep . "What, Honey?" Vegas murmured in his sleep. "Wake up, it is our children's second birthday today," Pete said excitedly. "Oh, could I sleep a little longer, please?" Vegas complained. "Vegas No, we must decorate the house for them. They were really looking forward to this. Please wake up naa." Pete shook Vegas again to wake him up. "Okay, I am up, and I do not care if they are excited; those brats are always making fun of me. They only love you," Vegas said, pouting again. "Come on, Bobo, we know they love you more," Pete chuckles. "Look, you are also teasing me," Vegas glared, threw the blanket over his body, and walked to the shower. 
Both of them then began decorating the house. They went with a blue bubbly theme and also add few black things. After they finished decorating the house, they began preparing dinner for their children. They prepared a variety of desserts, foods, and beverages. "Pete, if they tease me, I am going to throw everything I prepared, believe me," Vegas glared. "Baby, don't be rude; they are your children," Pete smacks Vegas's shoulder with a pout. "Hummph. Don't take their side just because you are their Papa; you should take mine because I am your husband," Vegas said angrily. "Wegath, please don't be angry at them, naa," Pete begged. "Hmm, okay. Go wake those brats," Vegas said as he went to set the table.
"Daddy, papa." Bubbles ran downstairs and wandered around the house, enjoying the decorations their parents had done. "Wow, Paa. So beautiful," said Bubbles in unison. "Come, kids, let us pray and eat." Pete asked the children to sit down. All of the bubbles ran to their seats and began praying. "Today, I want to thank God for giving us this opportunity to get together and celebrate my children's birthday together, as well as for giving Vegas and me this wonderful family. And I hope we can all stay together like this forever and happy. Also, I pray to God not to break my children's hearts.  Allow them to achieve great things in their lives, and please fill their hearts with positivity and happiness, even if Vegas and I will not be with them forever. Please protect their little hearts," Pete prayed. "No, Pa, we want our Bobo and you with us forever." Bubble 1 let out a shout.

"Don't shout, B1; Papa and Dada will always look at us and be proud of us," B2 said . "Yes, your Daddy and I will always love you, and we will always look at you. Even if we can't talk to you or come to you . We are always keeping an eye on you guys," Pete grinned. "Bubbles are carefully formed with our love," Vegas explained at the end. "Okay, Pa," Bubble said as one. "Bobo, pass me that fish," B4 said. "Bubblessss," Vegas yelled and started to chase after bubbles who are running away from their dada.


Be happy, my beautiful bubbles. The strongest soldiers of BBB 💙🖤.

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