Chapter 21 (s2)

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"Grandpa, do you still want to know who is Venice's father?" Pete asked his grandpa.

"Yes, who is he?" grandpa asked.


"What?" he gasped. "He is a mafia leader right?" He asked.

"Yes that's him," I said casually.

"Grandpa I need your help with something," Pete asked fiddling his fingers.

"What is it, son?"

"I want to save My Alpha"

*Pete's POV*

"It's been 2 weeks already Vegas fell into a coma. Venice and I live in a Porsche house now. The doctor said Vegas is healing but I need to stay by his side. His scent gland is healing too. Venice always comes near to Vegas and tells him about his friend he found in pre-school. Kinn handles Both companies now. And last week something big happened.


"Mommy, Uncle Kim" Kaira shouted running towards the living room."What?" Porsche asked. "Hey Porsche" a man came behind Kaira and said. "Oh my god Kim" Porsche gasped and ran to him then he pulled Kim into a hug. "Hia" another voice came from behind.

"No No No, this is not true. Pete, I think I am hallucinating. Porsche cried clenching his chest. , "Porsche be careful, it's not good for the baby" Kim held him quickly. Porsche pushed Kim away and ran to the guy behind Kim. "my baby, you omg you are still alive Chay" Porsche cried so hard. He had a hard time breathing, three of them had a moment.
"I'm sorry for not telling you baby" Kinn apologized but received a smack from Porsche. He was so mad. "Explain right now" Porsche shouted.

"That day Supanut stabbed Chay. After you saw him you fainted naa, I called Vegas and we took him to the hospital.  Gladly we were able to save him but he lost his pup. So he went into depression, I sent Kim away with him, so they could heal and start anew. I wanted to tell you this but Vegas found out that we are being tailed and there are spy cams all over our house so we decided to keep it a secret until everything calms down. I am so sorry honey" Kinn said caressing Porsche's tummy.

"Kinn, how much was this couch worth? " Porsche asked wiping his tears. "uhh 1090800 baht," Kinn said confusedly.  "Guess what?" Porsche smiled sarcastically. "You are going to sleep on a couch worth 1090800 baht" Porsche grinned. I tried so hard to handle my laugh so I bit my inner cheek. Chay and Kim looked at each other and shook their heads. "Baby" Kinn and Porsche started to fight.

"Hi I'm Pete, Vegas's Omega," I said proudly. "Hello P'Pete I'm Chay and this is my alpha, Kim" Chay said gently."Haha, you look so innocent, are you sure you are Porsche's brother?" I asked and saw that Porsche already glaring at me."Hahaha just joking" I said and excused myself and went to Vegas.
*flashback ends*

"Vegas, when are you going to wake up?" I asked caressing his handsome face. "Vegas I'm sorry for being stubborn. Thank you for everything. I miss you so much Vegas please wake up naa. Venice crying every day. Vegas you are the best alpha, best brother, best father, and best uncle. You sacrificed everything for others but you are suffering my love. Vegas I promise I will destroy him" I whispered to him. I leaned near to his ear "Hubby I love you. Wake up and put the ring that you hid inside your closet" I chuckled.
"Porsche I will come back as fast as I can. Please take good care of Venice and Vegas" I said and bid goodbyes to others.
I went back to Canada because I needed answers. I confirmed that Syd was the one who destroyed everything. I  showed a picture to Chay and he confirmed that it's Syd.
"Grandpa" I hugged him tightly. "Pete, where is my grandson?" Grandpa asked. "You are so naughty you only care about him. Not happy to see me" I pouted. "let's go in" Grandma chuckled. I spent some time with my Grandma and I went to Grandpa's Study.
"Pete, why did you reject Syd's proposal?" He asked me. "how did you meet him ?" I asked him back. "He helped your grandma when she was hospitalized.  After that, he became close to us" Grandpa said.

I told the whole story about me and Vegas and also what Syd did to Vegas and his family. Grandma started to cry and Grandpa almost didn't believe me.

"I am going to make him suffer for hurting my family," I said angrily. "Pete take this". Grandma bought a golden colour box and opened it. She then handed me a necklace. "What is this man?" I asked confusedly.
"Pete I don't approve of Vegas since I have never met him but have only heard rumours about him, but if you and Venice want him I won't do anything. Because you both deserve to be happy" Grandma said. "This is our family's heirloom, this is so Powerful. You go and put this on your Alpha. He will be okay" Grandma assured.

I didn't trust them about this

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I didn't trust them about this. What can a necklace do to a health issue? I thought but kept it with me. I explained everything to my family and they are fine about me going back to Thailand. "Pete honey, this door is always open for you and Venice. And bring your alpha to meet us" Grandpa said.
I spent 2 days with them and tried to pry some of Syd's information in Canada. But he kept himself hidden too well. But I found something disgusting about him. He has edited my face into a naked body. One of his ex-flings told me.
"Hey, I think I have seen you before" a young man came to me and said.

"..." I didn't reply

"Oh I remembered," he said and I tried to run away. If he recognized me I'm screwed. I don't want my fans to surround me in a bar. The boy held my hand and whispered. "Syd had a lot of your pictures on his room ceiling," he said. I was caught off-guard.

"What did you say?" I asked

"Oh, don't you know that psychopath? I saw your pictures that he pasted on his room ceiling. Your naked pictures. Don't worry he edited them" he said.

"Is he your boyfriend?" I asked with a furrowed eyebrow. "boyfriend? Are you kidding me? He never loves seriously. He ruined my life. Here I'm a whore letting alpha's fuck my brains out because of that bitch. He killed my whole family because I smiled at him gently once. He then knotted me, marked me, and got me pregnant. After that, he kicked my stomach until I had a miscarriage. He then removed my mark and sold me to this club." the young boy cried. "I'm not the only one, there are a lot. He gets Omega pregnant and kills them but with you, he has a different level of obsession. Every time he fucks me he moans a name called 'Pete' instead of the person he is fucking, Run away from him. If you don't want to end up like me" The boy said and went away with an alpha.
"My Vegas is the real hero," I thought and closed my eyes to get some sleep. Tomorrow I am going back to my FAMILY.

😒🦋HI hehe bye

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