chapter 3 (s2)

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*a few hours ago*

"What the hell Pete? What do you mean you showed Vegas's pictures to little Ven?" Porsche shouted. "Porsche Vegas has a right over him. And Ven always asks for his daddy.  I know Vegas and I messed up everything from the very beginning.  But Venice is innocent. He needs his father's love Porsche" Pete tried to reason with Porsche. "why did you change your heart? Is it because of the rumours? Or do you still love him?" Porsche asked.

Pete - "Porsche?"
Porsche - " mm"
Pete - "If I didn't leave him back then.  Will he love our son?
Porsche - "What is up with you Pete? For entire fucking 4 years you were so fucking happy about the fact you left that motherfucking cousin of mine. Now what happened?
Pete - oh it's time to pick Ven. I will talk to you later. Bye Porsche
Porsche - bye bitch.

*sigh* Pete sat on the couch for a few minutes.

*VR vr*

"Hello, Khun Pete,"

"yes, tree what is it?"

"Khun Vegas is with Venice"


"Khun Vegas is at Venice's school. But I don't what is happening inside"

Pete didn't reply to Tree. He quickly took his purse and left.

*back to present*

"Venice" Pete shouted. He was sweating, his legs were trembling. "Vegas is here," Pete thought. "Daddy Mommy is here" Venice looked at Vegas and back at his mom. Vegas stood up carried Venice and went near Pete. Pete didn't move. He can't move, he is scared. His alpha is in front of him, his inner Omega has craved for Vegas's alpha for years and he is now in front of him.

Vegas went near to Pete and handed Venice over to Pete. Pete didn't move or say anything. "little kid it's so nice to meet you but I'm not your daddy. So I hope you find your daddy soon. It's nice talking to you" Vegas said. "Daddy don't lie. It's bad to lie" Venice started to burst into tears. "Mommy showed me your pictures. Don't you love ven?" Venice cried. "why should I love someone else's child?" Vegas asked. Pete's heart dropped. Vegas please don't break our son's heart.

"Mommy, Daddy liar" Venice hugged Pete's neck and cried so hard. Ash came into the room because of the sound and he was dumbfounded when he saw Pete.
"Ash let's go," Vegas said and left the room. Ash bowed to Pete and left after him.

"Daddy don't go, Daddy, Daddy don't leave me" Venice cried. Pete tried to console his baby but he cried even after they got home. Venice fell asleep eventually. Pete didn't say anything he didn't know what to say.

*ding dong*

"Pete what happened?" boun and Prem rushed inside. Pete called them on his way back home. "He ignored me," Pete said. "what?" boun asked. "phi he didn't even look at me. It's like he didn't even know who I was?" Pete said. "isn't that a good thing?" Prem asked. " I don't know. Venice is crying. I regret showing him his pictures." Pete started to tear up. Prem came to him and hugged him tightly. Boun and Prem did not say anything. They wait until Pete calms down. ..

"Khun Vegas?" Ash looked at Vegas through the rear mirror. "yes?" Vegas asked looking unbothered. "you know that is your son right?" Ash asked. "I know" Vegas replied. "Then why did you-" Ash didn't continue because Vegas glared at him. "Don't let anyone know what happened. After the meeting let's head back to Thailand." Vegas said and Ash sighed.
Boun and Prem left Pete's apartment in the evening and Pete started to cook pasta for Venice because he hadn't eaten anything at all and was still asleep after done with cooking he went to wake his boy.

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