Chapter 8

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*Third-person pov*

"Inform me of everything he does," a voice ordered.

"Okay," the guy said, bowing and leaving the room.

"Mat,Vegas smelled different today," Kun said, going through some papers.

" It smelled like a mixed scent. I think he has met an Omega," Mat said, looking at his boss.

"Look into it. I don't want any obstacles," Kun ordered.

"Okay, boss," Mat obeyed.
"Brother, I want ice cream," cake said to Pete with a cute pouty face.

"Okay, let's go and buy you some ice cream then," Pete said, carrying his sister.

"Pete. I have to go to work. Take care of your sister today. Here is some money to go out with her for today," Mary said (Pete's mother).

"Then I am going to spend all this money, mommy," little cake said with a cute chuckle.

"Yes, mom," Pete said, giving a peck to his little sister.

"Okay, okay," Mary said with a gentle smile on her face.

Pete and Cake went out. It's a sunny day, and Pete still carries cake. Because it's a busy road and people are everywhere. Pete is a little overprotective, maybe because of his past experiences.

"Brother, let's go to the amusement park," Cake said with a smile on her face that Pete could not refuse.

"Okay, but you cannot let go of my hand, and we have to save some money, okay?" Pete started to nag.

"But mommy said to spend," Cake said, putting on a pouty, angry face.

"Yes, but she worked so hard to earn this money, baby, so we can't spend it like that." Pete started to reason with his cute little sister.

"Humph, okay, then," Cake gave in.

even though she is a small child. She is mature enough to understand how hardworking her mother is. So she never asked for anything easily.
Pete paid for the tickets and entered the park. It was filled with little kids because, of course, it was a weekend. And I put Cake down and held her hand.

Pete : Hey, Cake! Are you excited about today? The amusement park is going to be so much fun!

Cake: Yay! I can't wait, Pii Chaai (older brother in Thai)!! I heard there are roller coasters and a carousel! It's going to be amazing!

Pete: Absolutely! We'll start with the gentle rides first, like the carousel. I'll make sure you have a great time.

Cake: Thank you, big brother! You're the best!

Pete: (smiles) It's my pleasure. Oh, look! There's the Ferris wheel! Shall we ride it first?

Cake: Yes, yes, yes! I love Ferris wheels! Let's go!

They get on the Ferris wheel and enjoy the beautiful view of the park from above.

Cake: This is so cool, bro! I can see everything from up here!

Pete: I'm glad you like it, Cake. After this, we can head to the roller coasters. They might be a bit scary, but I'll be right there with you.

Cake: I'm not scared! I'm a brave adventurer!

Pete: Haha, that's the spirit! Alright, roller coasters, here we come!

They ride a couple of thrilling roller coasters, and Cake can't stop giggling and laughing.

Cake: Wheee! That was awesome! Let's go again!

Pete: You're a real daredevil, Cake! But I think we should take a break and grab some cotton candy. What do you say?

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