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Chapter 107: Two years after amnesia in the plane crash, my fiancé and my twin brother got married [30]
Eye protectionTurn off the lights
"It can't be so scary! After all, this is also a public figure! With Long Xiao thinking so hard, can he still control the entire country and become the master of the world?" The system shuddered.

But Lu Bai asked him back, "How do you know he doesn't have such ambitions?"

The desires of people like Long Xiao are endless. He doesn't even regard people as human beings at all, and this world is also his most natural playground.

He will carefully select the object he likes, and then build it step by step into the most suitable chess piece for him, and place it in the most suitable position on the chessboard for his convenience.

"But this Omega senior executive will not be ordered by him! After all, even if he is a chess piece, he is indeed a good person!"

Lu Bai asked the system back, "If he couldn't be ordered by Long Xiao, then why would he issue that kind of questionnaire?"

"It must be the result of consultations from above! Moreover, many people in the Omega Association have scolded you, and others have not scolded you. However, the words of a senior executive who is not famous enough cannot resonate with the public. In the end, he came forward?"

"Look, you also know this truth. Do you think he was used by Long Xiao?"

"What about Long Xiaotu? Doesn't this just allow you to achieve your goal?"

"How could it be? If my guess is correct and Long Xiao dares to do this, it means that he has already arranged the Omega Association and is waiting for me to step in!"

Lu Bai didn't have much information in his hands, and most of the content he inferred was based more on Long Xiao's character and some subtle doubts.

But these have already made Lu Bai passive. But Lu Bai couldn't. Long Xiao was too good at observation. Once he found Lu Bai stopped, he would immediately approach step by step, even catching Lu Bai off guard.

The system is very worried, "What are we going to do now?"

Lu Bai didn't speak, but his mind kept thinking.

He was considering whether to go directly to the military or simply go to the Omega Association after the experiment.

He has two purposes for surviving in this world. One is to complete the tasks assigned by the Lord God, which is the system's built-in favorability tasks. He wants to get 100 favorability points from two Long Xiaos.

And the other one is to survive.

From a simple point of view, it is definitely easier to survive in the army. But if you gain Long Xiao's favorability, defeat him more intuitively, and take revenge, it is actually the fastest way to join the Omega Association.

After all, for Long Xiao, the closer Lu Bai is to playing games with him and defeating him step by step, the more Long Xiao's desire for Lu Bai will be deepened, his favorability will continue to rise, and finally Long Xiao will desire reaches its peak.

"This is really too dangerous." The system didn't dare to think about how to live such a life.

But Lu Bai had already made a decision. Everyone was seeking skin from the tiger, so why not just stay by the tiger's side, keep an eye on the opportunity, and rip off his fur in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Lu Bai asked the system, "What happened to the affectionate post we posted before?"

"It's very lively!" At this point, the system couldn't help but laugh.

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