Chapter 20

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Today was our friendly at the StubHub Center in Carson, California. My family was coming to the game and of course Y/n would be there as well. We didn't get to spend any time together like I had hoped to but, after this game I have two days to myself.

The only thing is, Tobin will want to be around so I'll have to find a way away from her. As sad as it is, I'll probably have to use my daughter as an excuse to spend time with Y/n instead of Tobin.

I feel so, I don't know, what's the word I'm looking for? I feel so dirty when I'm with Tobin. We had sex the other night and I just kept thinking about Y/n. I couldn't even enjoy it. She's not who I want anymore and as much as I'd like to leave her, I can't bring myself to do it.

We had just wrapped up our warm ups and I looked around at all the fans already here. I think we sold out. It still amazes me that 27,000 people would want to see us.

I spotted Y/n with Braelynn who danced around to the music playing in the stadium. I walked over wanting to talk to my daughter... and Y/n.

"Mommy you have to score a goal today."
"I will try my best."
"You're starting?"
Y/n asks as I nodded at her.

Gosh I miss when she'd be at every game when I played for Stanford. She was always my good luck charm.

"Good luck." She winks as she picks Braelynn up so I can lean over to give her a kiss.
Y/n clears her throat as I began to walk away.
"Y/n no, there's people around."
She groans before letting me walk away.

I would've kissed her if Tobin wasn't here and if there weren't as many fans around.

.  .  .


Christen scored an amazing goal in the 70th minute as her family and I stood up erupting into a cheer. She looked in our direction as she ran to celebrate with the team.

It brought back all the memories of when we lived up north as Chris went to Stanford. Our baby girl was so young, we were so young, not really knowing what we were going but, we had to find out quick. We had another human being to care for.

As the game began to come to an end, we got down to the pitch as Chris walked over to us. Braelynn signaled for Chris to pick her up.

"You did great." I beamed as I gave Christen a hug. "Thank you, oh and by the way I'm free tomorrow, I want to see you."
"Yeah, lunch?"
"Sounds like a plan, pick me up at 12" Chris quickly says before Tobin walks over giving me a lazy smile.

Luckily, my phone rang so I couldn't react.

"Hey Y/n it's Emily. I don't know if you're busy tomorrow but I think we should do the DNA test, I already set up the appointment for 12."
"Tomorrow, is my phone breaking up or something?"
"No, I have plans."
"Y/n please."
"I-" I quickly look over at Christen who wasn't paying me any mind.
"Fine. Send me the information."
"See you tomorrow!"

. . .

Christen and I took a drive again as we parked after getting an ice cream.
"Don't you miss the days when we'd just run around the streets and be young, dumb, and in love."
"Yeah sometimes but, I know I told you I'd take you to lunch tomorrow-"
"Let me guess, one of your hoes told you they wanted sex."
"No, I- don't get mad."
"About your hoes? Why would I ?"
"No, I might have another kid."

Christen sits her bowl down before taking a breath. Here it comes.


"YOU GOT SOME BITCH PREGNANT?! You have a 6 year old Y/n and you just barely came back to take care of her and now you'll probably put her off again to take care of this new kid because you couldn't keep your fucking dick in your pants!"

Wow. Okay wrong time but, angry Press is hot.

"Okay, look, I don't know if the kid is mine."
"How far along is she you dumbass."
"Well that's the thing, the kids already here."
"You have got to be kidding me." Christen runs her hand through her hair as she groaned.
"So, you mean to tell me you have a whole newborn?"
"That's the other thing... she's Uh turning 6..."

Christen stared at me and I could tell she was thinking back 6 years.
"When's her birthday."
"Sometime in September."

Christen started counting back with her fingers.
"Y/n, that means the kid was conceived in December of- ha wow."
She began to chuckle to herself. 
"When we had our break at the beginning of December, you slept with someone. Did you just fuck everything that walked in high school?"
"Chris, I always wear a condom."
"How'd that work out for ya."
"Pretty good actually. So, our date has to be pushed back a little. I have to go take a DNA test."
"Whatever. Can you drive me home?"

A/n: FILLER CHAPTER. What do you think the result of the DNA test will be 👀 Also, poor Tobin, just getting cheated on :/

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