[Arc 14] Ch.10 Haunted Villa

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"Which festering dungeons have you been to, there aren't many still around?" Amanda asked.

"The Tower of Ice'olms up in the north, The Cavern of Warmth down in the Dwarves' sealed mines, and well those are the only ones with names I know about." I answered. The carriage stopped.

"You've Been WHERE!?" Amanda screamed at me in fear and worry.

It startled Talisa she jumped and hugged my arm... almost snapping it in half.

"How are you still alive?" Kaina asked.

"Are you still alive?" Becky asked from behind Kaina.

"I'm fine, I almost wasn't, but I am." I assured them.

"Doc, what is going one what are those places?" Talisa asked worried about their reactions. Dungeon, festering dungeons, and the like were very niche topic for adventurers, it was no way they could have been brought up in the dragon society, or in the sorcery class full of kids who had their own worries. Then there were the Festering dungeons that gave them their bad name often considered Rank S just for the fact that they couldn't be cleared simply by destroying a dungeon core.

"They are places that even the renowned templar won't touch. The Cave of Warmth is deep enough in the dwarven mines it is more trouble than it's worth to clear. I found that one by accident and just barely made it out alive. The Tower of Ice'olms is in the north in demonkin territory. Don't really want to talk about that one. The political drama is too much of a headache." I said. "That's why I'm not too worried about this one, it nothing compared to those ancient places."

"The cavern of warmth is in the sealed mines, how could you possibly stumble upon it?" Kaina asked.

"It wasn't hard, there are a lot of ways to get permits to gather materials, and other times the guards are easily bribed since they never have enough help keeping the demon beasts at bay. Actually, when I was able to escape was when I was recruited by the monster hunters." I answered.

"Ok, but The Tower of Ice'olm is off limits to those outside the Demonkin race, How did you get in? Even I wouldn't be able to get in." Amanda asked as she started the carriage again. "They treat it like a holy burial site for nobility."

"Because I hired him." Alpha said.

One day I'm going to perfect the trick of telling a story with multiple duplicates, maybe even to the point where I can put on full plays with more than just puppets.

"A bunch of Teenagers went in as a game. Their parents paid handsomely to get them out without causing too much fuss. We... weren't able to save all of them." Alpha said.

"A stupid fool coveted a cursed relic, got himself possessed, it didn't end pretty for him. So just don't touch anything shiny, or anything that calls out to you. Let me do that." I said as I adjusted my glasses.


We followed a broken path to a Villa in the middle of a forgotten and overgrown vineyard. Roots and foliage broke away any road that may have been used to get here when it was still in use and only a collapsed stone wall and rusted iron gate gave any clue to where the entrance should have been.

Rose bushes that had once welcomed travelers and the past owners with their beautiful blossoms now threatened trespassers with their thorny gray vines. The air itself which should have smelled sweet with the vineyards hung heavy with rot and musky negligence. The courtyard up to the main building had a fountain filled with murky water and stale overgrowth. Poisonous weeds coiled around the fountains pillar with beautifully sinister purple flowers and sickly grey vines.

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