[Arc 2] Ch.7 Henry Jekyll

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It was early in the evening when the presentation ended. Many people had questions. But as soon as saw the fairies I was entirely entranced and so was Lizzy, and we were equally bummed out when the Fairies disappeared. After we left, Lizzy was my new best friend.

"Are you going to become a Sorcerer, Nerys?" Lizzy asked me and as much as I wanted to, I didn't have an answer.

I looked at Macsen and Gareth, but the risk was too high. "I don't know, we really can't afford to be expelled. How about you?"

Lizzy smiled and turned to Henry. "Well master, what do you think?"


"I told you to stop calling me that." Henry sighed.

"I had you fooled, I'm sorry I didn't mean to lie to you." Lizzy giggled and playfully knocked herself on the head.

"I don't care if you're a slave." I said shrugging.

"I'm not a slave, I'm a demon beast, well technically I'm a familiar." She said with a hint of reluctance. I paused and took a second look at the girl unable to believe her. "I was born in a dungeon."


"I don't look like a dungeon brat? It's a long story. But I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore." She giggled again but this time it was forced. "Because of the open-mindedness of the sorcerers Professor Turner was consulted and I was allowed to enroll as a student under special circumstances. I'm still not sure if I can technically be a sorcerer, or a mage."

"We are going to be Sorcerers." Henry said in the most surprisingly manly move I'd seen from him. "I don't care what it takes."

"Sounds like a worthy challenge." Macsen wrapped his arm around my neck. "Nerys the Sorceress, it has a certain charm to it. Doesn't it?"

"But if we get expelled..." I tried to protest.

"That won't happen." Gareth stepped forward. "Between the five of us at least we can do it."

"He's right. Nerys is beyond brilliant I think it's only a matter of time before she becomes a magus, if Gareth puts his mind to it, I think at least one of us can make top ten. I'm king of the world, all we need is a new field of study and we've got it made." Macsen said confidently.

I cock my hip, proud of my family. "There you have it, you're stuck with us."

Gareth leaned on Macsen's other side. "We may even go to the Lost Peninsula just to test out how great we are as Sorcerers. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst."

"Let me reintroduce ourselves, we are the Llewelyn siblings. Professional daring idiots... and sister." I said.

Henry gave a satisfied smile and bowed slightly. "Henry Jekyll, monster hunter. And this is my Homunculus familiar, Elizabeth Poole. I'll be racing you to the Magus seat, miss Llewelyn."


Henry Jekyll

We part ways with the Llewelyn Siblings. They seem like really interesting people. At least Liz likes them. It is good to know there will be some sorcerers that I can rely on.

Liz hops along as we finally free ourselves from the throngs of people. I was worried about her getting along with people since she's a special case as a student. I didn't think she'd come right out and announce that she's a Familiar, but I guess should have known. I trust her with my life but there was a reason I had to save her from herself. She just wants to trust them too much.

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