[Arc 3] Ch. 7 Eternally Glorious

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"More than I care to recall," I answer the foxgirl. "The wizard fell in love with a good witch who was annoyed by his advances and sealed him away before trying to help the king herself. His half-sister plotted against him, stealing the magic scabbard and then seducing a son from him. Then through her dark magic the ill-begotten son became the king's knight and plotted against him. His wife and best friend fell in love with each other and consorted behind his back. When their infidelity was known, the kingdom fell apart as the Bastard son started a revolt that ended in a war where the knights who were once brothers killed each other. In the brutal battle the king lost his sword and had to use a lance to finish off the bastard son. Although he was felled by the king, he managed to mortally wound the king who no longer had the magic scabbard. In the end it was simply the story of the death of a king." I sigh.

"Was the sword cursed or something?"

"Nope," I responded, I can see who she'd think that though. "Without it, the king wouldn't have lasted as long as he did. Many knights rallied around the sword Excalibur as a sign that it was his righteous claim to the throne. But I do wonder what might have happened if his sister was his ally instead of his enemy? What if the wizard and the good witch aided the king together? What if his wife was faithful and his best friend found a different love? What if his bastard son... what if they were never born? I think the sword was important, but the scabbard would have preserved his life in either case. And maybe it would have preserved the kingdom through him."

"If the sword was called Excalibur what was the scabbard's name?" She asked.

"It didn't have one that I was aware of. Maybe when the story is rewritten that will change. I've long wondered what name would suit such a misunderstood scabbard next to such a brilliant sword." I mused.

"I see. What would you call it?" She asked.

"... I wasn't born worthy enough to name such an artifact." I sighed sadly. "But if the sword is what gathers the kingdom, then I imagine the scabbard is what holds it together. Artifacts like Excalibur aren't remembered by the person who names them, but by the people who borrowed it from its keeper. I'm glad it's not for sale, it should be loaned to the worthy by the wise, not sold to the rich by the greedy. But someone like the famous Samite Lady is a business woman, I'm sure the price of the materials alone holds more meaning to her. The fate of this pair is to be an item of vanity measured in gold. It's a shame." I wonder if anyone could craft a hero worthy of a sword like this? I've dwelled on this misbegotten topic too long, it's best to move along. For no many how many times you retell a tragedy, it will always remain a tragedy. It must be rewritten.


One good man's blood soaked my sword and my hands as he cheerfully spoke those words.

"...Yes, Camelot, my boy. Say it with pride and joy. Camelot..."


"Macsen get over here." I heard Nerys call for me and I knew I shouldn't keep her waiting after how bad she'd chewed out Gareth.

"Excuse me, my keeper is calling." I excused myself without bothering to look at the random girl I had been talking to.

I approached the other Sorcery students standing around a spunky blonde girl and an overly confident boy. They both worked here and had name tags. The girl's name was Victoria and the boy's name was Victor. Although they didn't look very similar, they had the same eyes and carried themselves in similar ways.

"Hello, you must be Mascen, we are the Frankenstein twins." Victoria smiled in a half flirting fashion.

Twins? With those eyes they were going to be double the trouble. Greeeeaaat~, I never was good with blondes either...

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