[Arc 2] Ch. 3 Audacitor's Identity

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Dovesong Perchwell

I... I hadn't even thought about that... I'm the worst person ever. Not only could I have hurt those children, but I could have caused problems for everyone.

"After bringing up the severity of what could have been, I think it is far too soon to be throwing around words like treason-" he continued and my blood froze.

Treason. Oh god. If I was convicted of Treason...

"- I can personally vouch for Magus Perchwell's character. I cannot imagine her knowingly putting any students in harms way for any agenda. I am comforted by the first sorcerer's research and assurances, however I do think it is too soon to take his word for it. One may argue that he would fabricate anything if it had the chance of clearing her name." this was just like professor Hohenheim. He cut to the painful truth of every argument. But the Grand Magus was so unpredictable who knew which way this would go.

"Thank you. Magus Hoheneim." Grand Magus Shiro nodded. "Is there anything else you would like to add before we reach our conclusion."

"Yes." Professor Hohenheim cleared his throat as he set down his paperwork and folded his arms behind his back. "Most consider me rather old and stuffy. A stickler for the rules and a hardass. But I remember what it was like to be young, and part of youth is making mistakes. Although the consequences may have been severe, they weren't. After thorough investigation on Captain Wilkensong's part, there could have been a deeper and more dangerous plot, but there wasn't. Professor Perchwell made a mistake. It was a simple oversight. I believe she should be punished, but it should be mitigated from death or expulsion from the Archana to a slap on the wrist and a stern warning. These two are both young, especially for the Archana, but that's all the more reason we should foster them as their seniors, such has always been the way of the magus. I'm referring of course to the grand patience of Zorlo Bluecoast who fostered many incompetent and troublesome delinquents throughout the ages to become some of the most-worthy figures in history."

I looked at Professor Hohenheim with new eyes. I didn't think he'd also stand up for me so strongly.

"Interesting. Professor Perchwell." Grand Magus said bringing my attention back to her and beside her I saw several of the Magus cringe at the mention of Magus Bluecoast. He isn't very popular among the Magus for his troublesome contributions to the school and overall whimsical behavior. Nor the fact that he was perfectly untouchable and free to do whatever he wished. Regardless of the image he set as the face of the Magus in many parts of the world. "This has been quite the interesting case. Before I give my final judgement, do you understand what has happened here? First Sorcerer had put his entire career and life on the line for you. And Professor Hohenheim, has personally vouched for your character while providing evidence against you. So I only have one question for you."

"I'll answer to the best of my ability." Standing on my feet I swallowed hard and braced myself for anything.

"Can you show the same dedication as these two men in educating the next generation of magic students?" The Grand Magus's eyes centered on me and I realized what was happening as they glowed red. Demon Eyes.

Several select people around the world were blessed with Demon eyes. They were gifts from spirits and each one granted different abilities although each one was scary and intimidating. The Grand Magus' Demon eyes true power was a closely guarded secret, but it was said that they allowed her to see any truth she wished to see.

I lower my head. I don't know what to say. I don't think I'm worthy to be a teacher anymore.

"I see." the Grand Magus smiled. "I have come to my decision. First Sorcerer," she addressed Vlad and he stood up. "I can see the merits in thinking outside of the box, but sorcery, as a practice, doesn't have enough merits for me to simply take your word for the safety of said experiment. Therefor I am putting you on probation. Over the course of one year I want you to throw yourself on your sword for sorcery. You are to recruit, teach, and facilitate a new generation of sorcerers. The conditions for success and failure are these." She turned to Watson. "Watson, write these down."

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