[Arc 12] Ch. 3 Defining Relationships

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Somehow, we explained that we had done a few missions together when we started as adventurers, but I always covered my face, so she didn't recognize me when she sat at the table. It was more truth than deception, but the owners were more excited that we had finally reconnected.

After the commotion died down enough, we snuck out like we were skipping out on the bill.


We held hands as we walked down around the stalls with no particular destination in mind.

"How have things been, we've only talked about business the last few times we've met. But, how are you?" I asked.

Florence (Lilith) giggled cheerfully. "It's been fun. I can see why you've gone so far for them. Nerinin has just become a bigger scarier Badass. And Julie has defied ever expectation I've ever had for her. She's gorgeous, stylish, completely brilliant, and she has this glow and presence like she's destined for something great. She has a complex about being around so many talented people and nobles, so she works her ass off, so she doesn't get left behind. It's hard not to admire her."

"Even I wasn't expecting how far she's come along." I mused.

"Flint and Tiera are hilarious. Tiera has this crush on Macsen from the Sorcery class, and is both horribly awkward and completely adorable. So, Flint has been helping her out and has been relishing the hilarity." She snickered. "They've even roped Nerinin into helping them separate the Llewelyn siblings so she can get some private time with Macsen."

"What did they do?" I asked. I had no idea Tiera was crushing on Macsen.

"How else? Flint found their sweet spot. He found out that Macsen made some verbal slip ups like criticizing her prized creation." Lilith explained. "She took it down, but everyone misunderstood why since Tiera isn't very good with social cues. So Macsen was getting glares from everyone and was waiting for the other shoe to drop. It was all a misunderstanding, but Flint decided to strike while the iron was hot."

"Oh, I've got to hear this." I could already see Flint exploiting Macsen without any hesitation.

"He convinced Macsen that he could smooth everything over. A deal where he and Nerinin would train with Gareth and Nerys as a cover while he helped Tiera redesign the scabbard that he critiqued." Lilith smiled mischievously. I think I rubbed off on her too much.


"Macsen and Tiera were alone in her workshop for hours drafting plans and discussing materials. It was Tiera's territory, so she was comfortable enough to actually talk." Lilith explained. "I've been keeping tabs on Tiera since she often overworks without eating and then gorges on sweets the rest of the time. Much like someone else I know." Lilith bumped me with her hip playfully. "So, my role was to walk in with lunch and comment on how cute their date was."

"Pfft." I could hardly hold in my laugh. "How did that go over?"

"Tiera blushed like a rose and then nearly skewered me with a halberd." Lilith giggled.

"And Macsen?"

"He was a little more conscious of the setting and bashful. He stuttered when he mentioned that noble ladies shouldn't be alone without an escort." Lilith's grin was so refreshing. I'd known all of her expressions and was used to them, but this was a smile of nostalgia that she'd never been able to have when talking about her past before. She'd never really had friends before, so she'd always felt like a 'fantasy person' when I wasn't paying attention. But with this setting she felt like a regular girl and not a mad scientist assassin.

With this setting, with these faces, as we just held hands and chatted, I couldn't help but wonder how different my life would have been if I'd met her as the real Benny.

The real Benny?

So weird.

Now that I am here wearing my old face it... it doesn't feel like mine anymore.

I remember looking in the mirror in Teagon after she became my slave. I wondered if she'd even talk to me if I wasn't that handsome fox boy I saw in the mirror. And yet here we were. She'd kissed me, and now we were holding hands and chatting so naturally. I guess I really can't win against her anymore.

"When Tiera simply stated that he was her escort Macsen had the cutest blush on his fac-" I interrupted her when I impulsively pulled her to me and kissed her cheek. "Wah! Wha-wha-what was that for?" Lilith jumped back with a huge blush of her own. She didn't let go of me but covered her cheek with her other hand.

"Thank you, for staying with me all this time. I just can't stop finding reasons to love you. So, I promise when all this is over, I will always make you happy." I declared my feelings. They came from somewhere different than when I'd confessed to Minerva and Julie, but it'd wouldn't lose in any way to them.

Lilith didn't have a response to my confession. Instead, I really did blow a couple of her fuses. She turned a shade of red that I hadn't seen before and then her nose exploded with blood as she fainted from... well I want to say joy, but I can tell from the nosebleed something else was mixed in there.

I managed to catch her and rolled my eyes. Again, another reason I can't help but cherish this person.

My Lily Wildheart.

Someday you'll be Physician Lilith Asmos Ti'en.

But I'll hold off on that declaration. She may actually die from happiness... or bloodloss.



"Is this really real?" Lilith asked.

I'd found a bench nearby and gave her a lap pillow until she came too. In the meantime, I held her hand and played with her hair after I cleaned up the blood. A task I am frightening good at after living with her for so long. I watched the people pass by and brushed off anyone who pried too much.

"I guess it all depends on how much more blood I'm going to have to mop up." I teased.

Lilith covered her face with her hands to hide her embarrassment. "Sorry, you just attacked so suddenly... was it bad?"

"it wasn't anything I couldn't manage." I patted her head.

"Florence! Is that you?" Nerinin rushed towards us. She was followed by Julie, Tiera, and Flint.

Lilith didn't move. "Oh Pits, I forgot they were looking for me."

"We've been looking all over for you! How did you manage to get so lost?" Julie followed up.

"After I got lost, I was chased by some guy until Benny saved me." Lilith confessed as she slowly sat up.

"Benny, huh?" Flint sized me up. "You're not a student, or at least I haven't seen you around Hearthroam."

"No, I'm just kind of passing through, or I was." I looked down and interlocked my fingers with Lilith's.

"Florence..." Nerinin cocked her eyebrow at Lilith begging her to explain.

Lilith turned to me looking for some kind of confirmation. I simply smiled in turn.

"He's kind of my boyfriend." Florence shyly announced although her smile was clear in her cute display. 

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