[Arc 17] Ch.2 Yangyin's Messanger

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Every Pillar race of the Immortals was led by a great lord and the most powerful was Stygia, she was the general over the army of Youkai. They were the irregulars of the Immortal race that gathered under her before her transformation. And after she created a second moon, she blessed the Youkai under her with powerful transformative blessings that increased their power many times over.

Her influence was often manifested in a physical alteration. An extra tail, ears, or wings were the most common. Other alterations involved being able to change shape at will and improvement to their shapes or number of shapes. Some manifested in markings on the skin or even a change of skin color all-together.

These Youkai were the backbone of their vanguard battlefront against the mortals. Since Stygia was one of the only beings who could counter Justice or the other spirits, so she was relied on when it came to the offensive attacks on the mortals. Make no mistake, her strategic prowess was just as good as combat power which is how they stayed out of Justice's crosshairs.

While in her commander's tent planning an attack on one of the Human's supply depots that supported the main human force lead by the hero, a stranger appeared.


"We will attack at twilight before the moon's rise." Stygia said. "We hit them fast and hard, make as much chaos as possible."

"They will be expecting that." The stranger said.

Nobody had seen him enter and yet he sat on one the boxes off to the side as if he was invited in and part of the discussion.

Immediately, all swords were drawn and the magic of the small space thrummed. After a flash of movement, there was no more box and yet the stranger walked out of the corner of their eyes on the opposite side of the war table as if he had been there the whole time.

"That wasn't very accommodating." the stranger chuckled. He was clearly mimicking Stygia's taste in fashion. But there were key differences, where she was wearing black flowing robes, he was wearing white. Where she had grown many tails, he had one. Where she had a hood to conceal her face when needed, he wore a sly mask to conceal his always.

"Who are you?" Stygia asked not sensing any hostility from him.

"That is a great question. You can call this vessel... Inari. I bring words from the Yangyin." he nodded his head in a semi-polite bow.

"But who are you really?" Stygia reached forward and ripped the mask from Inari's face. but there was nothing underneath. Inari had vanished completely and when She inspected the mask it was also gone.

He walked back into their field of view once again with the mask on. He brushed some of the dust away from the earlier explosion. At this point guards had flooded the tent and pointed their weapons at him. But he didn't seem to be bothered.

"I'm just a messenger. Nothing more, nothing less." Inari said. "I will say my message and leave."

"What is your message?" Stygia narrowed her eyes at the stranger named Yang.

Inari pointed at the map. "The mortals greatly desire the Fae as slaves. A number of greedy nobles had sent extra forces to capture the Fae and protect the supply route. But that greed could be their downfall, they imagine you will continue to press your forces against the supply line like you have done in the past. But, they have left their sanctuaries with minimal protection."

"You are trying to divert us. My lady, do not heed any of the words of this man!" one of her trusted advisors shouted.

"Is that the end of your message?" Stygia held up a hand to silence the advisor.

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