[Arc 10] Ch. 1 Gentle Reunion

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I had done it now...

I found everyone in a courtyard. And by everyone I meant Viscount Winterhall, Magus Kallit, and two hundred conscripts in human form. I'd been overconfident.

Although I had managed to secure Magus Kallit, she was unconscious. I was cornered. Not by the army, but by a single Demon Conscript. I'd managed to distract everyone and use foxcrest with Delynis to swoop in and grab the magus but that single conscript saw us coming and knocked me out of the sky. In an instant the clones he created smashed my army while my concentration was rattled.

"That was admirable young magus," a silky smooth and confident voice hummed. The smug Viscount Winterhall walked up to me.

I was still in foxcrest form and had Magus kallit wrapped in my tails. The Conscript who had put me to shame walked up with a sizable grin as his clones synced back up with him.

"Funny thing, love. When you merge your magic with a Divine you increase your own ability but dampen theirs." The Conscript licked his fang.

"T'erk is taking too long. Rollo, finish your meal before we waste any more time." A third figure approached. He had the bearing of general. One who knew who was in charge, and one who saw Rollo as a peer...

Hold on....

"Rollo...?" I asked as a memory flooded back. The memory of a giant demon beast cat staring me down like I was dinner.

That caught his attention and Rollo's eyes gleamed an evil light. "You're that kitten... Juuuuuuliee. Yes, I remember you. A man like you, your father perhaps? He was delicious. Full of spirit."

"No... you're dead." I gasped. It wasn't possible.

Julie calm down or else- Delynis didn't finish. The panic caused our concentration to break and it was just me and professor Kallit.

"This is remarkable." Viscount hummed. "You can remember your past, weren't you-"

"Only bits and pieces," Rollo licked his teeth and squatted down. He grabbed me by the hair, and I realized that I had fallen to my knees due to the magic fatigue and my own fright.

No, I won't be helpless again!

"Mostly smells. Like fear." He hissed as he brought me up to smell me.

I swung with my dagger, I aimed right for his neck. But...

The second man caught it. The conscript general. "You're getting sloppy Rollo. Your past is as dead as you were when we pulled you from the Fels. We have a job to do."

"You're such a killjoy, Drudwyn. But your wisdom is as valuable as always." Rollo said, and then he smashed my face in the dirt. But he didn't finish with once. He took advantage of my discombobulation and slammed my face several more times before he let go of me.

"Stay away from her!" Someone screamed. I craned my head and looked up. Through the blood and fuzz I saw someone with fox tails in a fine white garment.

"Delynis?" I asked when I recognized her voice.

She had a long Katana and stood ready to fight. Her nine tails flickered, but I could tell by her heavy breathing that she was just as tired as I was. Unfortunately, Rollo had only been pushed back. He was simply brushing off his suit.

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