[Arc 5] Ch. 9 Status Symbol

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This is a test. Everyone 'in the know' recognized this test in one form or another. 'Why risk it?' it had many right answers and many wrong answers. It was all about feeling out the relationship between the Contractor and Warlock. It wasn't that one answer could always be right, it was how it was said and worded. At a moment's notice, this question had solidified or compromised many contracts and brought down nations before wars even had a chance to begin.

"It's a status symbol. Since a duel is often the payment for a dissatisfied warlock, there is a higher risk for a leader who hires a Warlock then in any other person. Someone who knows they are a bad leader, or a bad warrior, would never hire a Warlock and that shows weakness." Minerva explained. "In turn, that lowers moral if the other leader has one. If someone hires more than one it shows a degree of either foolish desperation, or absolute confidence. The stronger the Warlock the stronger the leader's belief of strength in themselves. Warlocks equal strength." Minerva was surprisingly calm and clear, but I guess everyone has to develop some maturity eventually.

I hold my silence. A sign that I'm looking for more.

"But that's not all," She continued catching my cue. "Warlocks pride themselves on being reliable councilors. Afterall, they don't want to get themselves killed in a bad tactical move or sent into a suicide maneuver to get out of payment." Minerva looked back at me and then back to Angela and Cedric. "First of all, he is honest, brutally so. I trust him. Plus, nobody really trusts me here. I have no presence, and the little I have is about my bad reputation. This is a power move. There is something only he can help me with, and if we finish this contract without a duel, everyone will have to reconsider the rumors about me. Even Sebas will have to have to hear me out at least once."

That took me back, what did she want from me exactly?

"And most importantly is the other factor in hiring a Warlock..." I saw the side of her cheeks curl into a smile. "...is that I think I can beat him. In fact, I look forward to the duel if he asks for one. It would be the first match between sovereigns. A dethroning could ruin my reputation for the rest of my life, and the risks are only that much higher because of his standing reputation. This whole situation is like falling on my sword."

"Minerva!" Cedric said sharply. I saw her jump and cover her lips and turned away from me. Cedric closed his eyes and sighed. "You are you father's daughter, there's no helping it." He then looked at me. "Well... satisfied?"

"Falling on your sword, huh? Tell me, Red. What exactly does that mean to you?" I asked, the final question on the test.

"That's easy, most people think it's just about putting your life on the line to prove a point. But that's only part of it. It's about knowing the difference between having noble blood, and being noble. I only really understood what that meant after my father explained it to me. The point the Guardian Angel of Sudaven was trying to prove the entire time. You see, noble blood is supposed to be spilled for one's people not the other way around. That's what true nobility is. To put one's life on the line for one's people and their future. Even if it is only one life. A Noble must have the conviction to ensure the future. And when it comes to their future, they should always be selfish for their people's sake."

"Interesting..." I smiled. Maybe this knuckle head learned something good in the end.

"A good interesting or...?" Minerva asked.

"I guess all I can say is that if that's how you are doing it. I will gladly help you fall on your sword and watch the outcome play out." I smiled.





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