[Arc 4] Ch. 9 Pirate's bounty

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Why! Why did Professor Perchwell get involved now?

Those voices, they are Nightclaw and for whatever reason we are captured instead of killed. Through some eavesdropping, I realize that they are after the Audacitor's codex. When they couldn't' find it they recognized Professor Perchwell from the trial and blessed their luck that they won't show up empty handed. When I'm pretty sure they aren't looking, I had sent out a raven to find Nerinin.

If I have to save Professor Perchwell too, I may need some back up.


Earlier that day.


"Maybe you should just give Lancelot a chance, she's a cannon but she's like you in that way." Satiri walked with me. She's one of the Pirates that followed me here. Her and her gaggle of friends petitioned my mom and mom said everyone has to agree to answer to me as members of my crew. She's officially my first mate and helps me keep everyone organized. She's also one of the best gossipers and sources of information that I have.

"Lancelot is way too fun to tease. She's always had things her way, and always plowed her way through life's problems. What kind of honorable knight would I be if I denied her chance to deal with hardship?" I chuckled as we walked around campus.

"Calling yourself an honorable knight is like calling Blackbeard a saint of chastity and moderation." Satiri rolled her eyes with some amusement. Then she jumped with a squeak and I knew why.

Tiera came out of nowhere. She does that, so I was done being surprised by it a long time ago. She seriously has no presence and walks with the quiet steps of the damned. I admire that too much to be angry at her, and it's damned funny to see other people freak out when she pops into view.

"Flint, I need to find someone." Tiera said with her usual toneless way.

"It's going to cost you." I respond. That sounds harsh because we are friends, but Tiera and I understand each other. I'm a Pirate Captain, and I can't just do things for free. But we also have agreement.

"Mmm." Tiera agrees. She pulls out a small booklet and hands me two blue playing cards from its pages. On the back it the Logo for her shop and on the front of one is a stylized symbol of a bracelet and on the second is a pair of shoes. They are vouchers for items and can be redeemed at her shop... or anywhere else in the shopping district because they can be redeemed at her shop.

I take them and smile. I place them in my pocket and add them to my inventory screen. I learned early on that people of this world don't have a menu screen that appeared before their eyes and a magical inventory that can contain a large quantity of items. It's by far not the only thing I can do with it, but mom warned me about making these things public knowledge. It could be troublesome... that didn't stop my mom from exploiting me whenever it struck her fancy. She always came through for me in the end through, so it wasn't so bad.

"Alright who are you looking for?" I winked.

"Macsen Llewelyn." She stated and I saw her tails wag when saying his name. "I'm in love with him."

Uhhhhhhhhh. Okay. She's never been in love before. But I'm not being paid to ask questions. "Alright, Satiri what do you got?" I turn to my first mate.

"The Llewelyn's huh. They're the Sorcery siblings and are pretty near inseparable. I think the Sorcery club that is being held after their class should still be going on." Satiri answered.


We stand outside the door of the Sorcery room and confirm that Macsen is inside by his voice.

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