[Arc 11] Ch. 10 After Midnight

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                Minerva and I cuddled on the roof and stared at the stars. Like Julie, I told her that there was something I had to do and asked her to wait for me. I told her the real reason I left Sudaven had to do with fighting the Nightclaw. I also told her there were many things I couldn't tell her yet.

"So, when? When can you tell me?" She asked as she wrapped up in my tails with two arms wrapped around one like it was a body pillow.

I finally handed her the book. "Just read this."

She rolled her eyes and cracked open the book without releasing my tail. She looked like a cute little chipmunk huddled in a fluffy cloud. I had to resist various urges to squeal like a teenager discovering cute animal videos are a thing on the internet.

"Dear Princess Minerva,

I, Henry Jekyll have a confession. You in no way wronged me or my family. I am an agent of the Phantom prince Sebas and can't afford to get too close to certain people. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

Please be well and know that I harbor no ill feelings toward you and my Familiar Liz is easily excitable. So, I also apologize on her behalf. Sebas assisted us in gaining entrance into the academy and I owe a debt I must return. I will start acting under the pretense that we have made up. I politely request that you do the same and maintain a respectable distance, so we do not raise suspicions.

To earn your forgiveness in this misunderstanding, I have asked to be the agent in charge of maintaining the ongoing communication between yourself and the Phantom Prince. I'm prepared to organize and facilitate any dialogue between yourself. The Phantom Prince will personally hand you the coded phrases to this book's spell. Neither I nor Liz will have access to the contents of this journal going forward unless you expressly allow it.

Please make use of us to your heart's content so that we may also redeem ourselves.

H. Jekyll"

Minerva finished reading it while crying. "I'm so happy I didn't hurt anyone this time."

Then she punched me in the gut.

"Ow. Hey!" I rubbed my stomach.

"You should also take responsibility since he's your subordinate." She chuckled and scooted closer to me.

"I'll take full responsibility. But just so you know, Hyde has to disappear now." I said regretfully.

"But we finally getting along!" She protested.

"And we'll keep getting along," I tapped the book. "but too many people know about hyde or have strong enough suspicions after that mansion debacle that I can't stick around."

"So it was that bad."

"I couldn't hold back, and my magic is very unique." I held up my hand and electricity sparkled in it.

"You didn't become a lightning user because I was scared of it did you?" she asked.

"I'm not that much of a jerk, I'd been doing it for a long time. But my mom has seen most of my magics, so I've had to really hold back." I said putting my hand down.

"Your mom?"

"Calypso, the dark lady. She's always been the closest to catching me." I chuckled. "her influence and resources really put my own to shame."

Minerva sighed. "Even I've heard the rumors. But why haven't you been working with her?"

"It's complicated." I answered. Nothing with mom was ever simple. For example, I've never felt closer to her than I have now that I'm running from her. It was skill against skill. My agents against her agents. It was really warped when you think about it but it worked for us.

"I've got time." She squeezed my tail insistently. "You never talk about your family."

She pouted with half her face hidden by wavy red hair and the white fur at the end of my tail.

So cute! When did she get this cute! My heart, how do I even say no at this point?

"Mom is... the type that likes to be in control." I tried to explain. "But more than that, it's the feeling of 'if you can't stay ahead of me, you're not ready to be out on your own.' So, in order to earn her respect, we've been in a game of chase the Phantom prince. Because if I get caught, I have to go back to Teagon. More like I'll be dragged back. It nearly happened once."

"Really? I never heard about you being found." She asked.

"Mom wouldn't boast about losing." I chuckled. "It was when I returned to Teagon for the first time and found some nobles targeting my sister. I overextended myself and fell into a trap made for someone else. Well it was meant for me as the shaker of the status quo, not me as the Phantom Prince. I left my two best people behind at their insistence and went north to the Spire."

"So, you can't just visit? Even just to say hi, I'm safe?" She asked innocently.

"No. Too much is at stake. She even started working with one of my most influential partners, so I have to jump through even more hoops." I sighed. Just thinking about Boss Tir and mom working together still made my stomach turn.

"So you were betrayed?" Minerva narrowed her gaze.

"Yes and no. Nothing is so simple. It was more like a necessary sacrifice to accomplish my goal." I sighed. Plus Boss Tir had to make the call on her own without consulting me because my mom cornered her. She was playing interference but was only able to do so much now.

"I can help, you know. You just have to ask." She said with the biggest puppy dog eyes. No stop it!

"If it required strength or manpower I would ask. Besides you are already helping." I answered curling my tails around her just a little more.

"How? I haven't done-" she started to protest but I cut her off.

"I'm not afraid of falling in love because of you." I looked at the stars. "Remember your promise. I'm going to hold you to it." I looked at her with a smile. "If I can rely on you it means I don't have to worry about how happy I'm allowed to be, anymore." 

 She buried her face in my tail, but I could see her ears turn red as she whimpered. "To just say something like that. My heart isn't ready yet."

I couldn't help it, but she was too cute now. So I reached over and petted her red hair. It really was so lovely. "For right now, it's just a game of hide and seek while the clock ticks down. The more people that find out my identity before that the more dangerous it gets. But at the end of the school year I'll take responsibility for everything, so be prepared to be busy."

I tried to pull my hand back and she caught it and held it to her head. "Just a little longer?" She pleaded.

I wonder how many wishes I'm going to have to grant if this keeps up.

"As you wish, my lovely red princess." I continued to pet her head and she fell asleep with the calmest smile on her face.

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