[Arc 16] Ch.5 Paths Diverge

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After such an event Justice returned to the Realm of the spirits with a light heart, but it would not remain so since the topics of the courts were heavy. A great unrest was brought upon the spirits by the growing number and power of the immortals. The only thing maintaining the gap of power was Justice and the fact that only he could create a moon in the sky.

Justice was able to retain his smile for tonight he witnessed a beautiful woman who would very nearly catch up to him and may create a new moon if she was so impressed. He may even teach her how to do it out of the good fun of seeing his brother and sister spirits tear their hair from their roots.

"Brother, I have good news." Justice said as he entered the hall of his closest friend the Great Spirit King.

"I am in need of some good news, Justice. For the matter of the court has brought me ill tidings once again." The Great Spirit King sighed heavily. Although he had the appearance of a beautiful mortal man in his early twenties the solemn nature of his disposition aged him centuries. His fine golden hair was ruffled, and his effervescent smile was creased in a grimace.

"Share your troubles with me brother, you know that I am always ready to be of help. Rely on me, if I may carry even some of your burden it would put my own heart at ease after seeing you in such a state." Justice said putting his own flippant matter aside.

"The court nobles are dissatisfied with the growing number of immortals and seek to restrict them somehow." the King sighed. "Every day new and more extreme measures and petitions cross my desk. And every day I am seeing the wisdom in them. However, the Queen of the Immortals is unrelenting and would be viciously displeased with any restriction of her power."

"Indeed, she is a grand ally. But it would be hard for her to limit her people when the mortals are growing at an even greater rate than they are." Justice commented.

"This is the grandest reason I hesitate. Although I desire the expansion of the mortals, they are also growing too fast. It seems we are too successful in our duties of governing them." the King let out a half-hearted chuff. "They are a tenacious bunch, how many of them have grown into immortal in only this last hundred years?"

"Although they are tenacious, the making of an immortal does not come without sacrifices. We should praise them rather than berate them." Justice said knowing just how many mortals died as warriors before one with talent rose to immortal status.

"You are one of the few voices of positivity on such a topic, my friend." The king shook his head. "Most spirits do not see the whole nation as one and only concern themselves with their realms and how they lose their mightiest warriors to the Queen of Immortals. But since you have chosen to rule over everything the moonlight touches, only you seem to understand we are one nation, while the others squabble about their patches of dirt."

"Are the others so pitiable?" Justice asked.

"It is just their nature to only see what is theirs to manage." The king said as he stood up. "And it is not as if they are wrong. Things may be easier if they were. But we are so abundantly prosperous because they rule so well." The Great Spirit motioned for Justice to join him on the sofas in his marble office.

"I am very grateful that you took the harder job of ruling them while I get to play all night long." Justice joked as he dodged a playful swipe from his friend.

"You have news to share and now I'm not certain I want to hear it if you are going to brag about how well off you have it." The King tried to slap Justice again but even in play Justice was too fast.

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