[Arc 5] Ch. 3 MY enemy

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I wanted to shout. I wanted this madness to end. That was mine! It was my only connection to Sebas and it was gone... forever! Did this mean I could never be his pretty adventuring wife? Could he ever forgive me for letting such a precious object be stolen from me?

"Yes! Hahahahaha! That's it! Despair! Know your place, childhood friend! See that I have taken your childhood promise away from you? See that your connection to the protagonist as a love interest has been severed? Witness the meaninglessness of your bravado as you see the irreparable wedge I have driven between you and the man you were programed to love!" He laughed and mocked my pain.

All hope has been lost.


... that was a lie. It was clear before my eyes but... why couldn't I believe it?


"I could never hate Julie. I thought you hated me, and I was really sad."


Sebas's words from that time echoed in my heart. Sebas... could never hate me. Only I could make him feel sad, not this asshole. As long as I never hated him, as long as I always loved him. That was my choice! Not his! The promises I made are mine to keep, not his to take! SEBAS IS MINE!


Burning anger boiled up inside me and I unconsciously reached up to grab his arm as my emotions turned red. Blood trickled down my wrist as I sunk my nails into his arm that was holding my face. Fury, rage, and a tempest that I have never before harnessed spun inside of me as I declared this man MY enemy. Completely forsaking the fact that he was the leader of the Nightclaw and purely for his openness about willfully hurting my precious person.

"By the god of tricksters and the stars of fate, I declare you my enemy. I will defy you. I will be the protagonist of my own fate, and I will make Sebas my love interest by your forsaken rules-magic. I WILL DEFEAT YOU!" I roared.

His overly confident smirk soured. "This isn't a press 'X' to join the battle royale, Childho-"

"My name is Julie Alz'bluecoast!" I declared and I felt my senses and magic returning.

"Troublesome girl. Know your place. Once I scramble your memories you won't even understand half of what transpired here. Let alone be able to stop me!"

"AAHHH!" I screamed, as pain wracked my head and I felt my mind fragmenting information.

"Now you may even believe I am Sebas, in fact I'll say it again just to confuse your tiny brain. I AM SEBA-" He began to declare.

Julie now! Delynis's voice appeared in my head and she showed me an image of how she had made my free hand wrap around and grab my hidden knife. And then a very clear image of his eye.

I obeyed, trusting her completely, and stabbed him in the eye with the knife.

"AAAAAARGH! DAMN GIRL!" He threw me backward, slamming my head into the wall as I flew over Dova.

My head spun for every number of reasons but one thing I burned into my memory was that face, the face of 'my enemy'.

"Now you're in the way!" He roared, but before he could do anything a glowing rune appeared between us and it exploded sending him backwards with a bright light that blinded me.

"Julie, we have to go!" Perchwell grabbed me, and through the haze I saw her draw a rune on the wall the bed was pressed against and it exploded away from us.

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