[Arc 5] Ch. 1 'an enemy'

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"Master, we have a problem." Actor whispered as the crowd of students was herded by the magic knights.

"I'm listening." I respond without looking.

"We've confirmed that both white cat and Miss Liddel have been abducted." He said referring to the code names we had for Jules and Magus Perchwell.

I clenched my fists, "do I even need to ask who did it?" I'll kill him. I'll definitely kill him this time.

"I advise expedience," he pressed a paper into my hand. "Follow the crows, and don't do anything too reckless. I'll cover for you."

I took the paper and pushed my way through the crowd and used every skill I could to sneak away. Once I was clear, I filled the paper with magic activating the teleportation circle. The next moment I was just outside the campus in a small room of a supposedly abandoned building. I covered my face with a hooded cloak I pulled from the cache I was transported next to, activated my demon eyes, and released the blood magic enchantment that disguised me letting my five tails breathe the fresh air long enough to go to war again. I reached up and itched my ear and used every resource I had to track down that crow... 

...there it is.

I'm coming Julie.

Please don't do anything rash. If 'he' really is behind this, then you are in more danger than you could possibly imagine. Even I don't know what he is fully capable of or how he is doing it. I just hope I can make it in time. 



Because I was so busy being smothered by Professor Perchwell's now giant tits, I couldn't be bothered to breathe in any of the alchemic mist that apparently knocked her unconscious.

I was still able to use summoning magic and dared to release two crows and mentally commanded one to trail us without being noticed and the other to get help. Other than that, I risked remaining in the cleavage of the good professor and I have to say, she's much larger than I ever gave her credit for. She really needs to start wearing some more flattering clothes and I made a mental note to give her a make-over when we made it out of this mess in one piece.

So while waiting for a safe time to escape or a dangerous enough one to defend the Professor, I began planning outfit and make-up that would go well on her. Just a foundation would do wonders for her. What is with this boring bra? Honestly, let's get you out of that stuffy lab coat and Vlad won't be the only one chasing after you. Cute clothes are a girl's romance after all. Them and well-made swords, a tome on magic circles, and some sweets and that's all you really need... or maybe that was just me?

Considering Nerinin's annoying abhorrence of frills and anything with lace, that probably wasn't completely true. She had little to no recognition of the feminine arts, although I do remember seeing her try on a dress one and playing at dancing with Sebas in her room. I just kept that one to myself. She was much more comfortable with her body than I was. I swear, I can't keep track of all the times I've had to tell her to put clothes on while living with her. But for some reason she's still not comfortable in swimsuits.

Anytime I wear something with short sleeves or without a back I have to mentally devote some part of my magic to concealing the magic crests on my skin. Those crests are my babies so I'm not ashamed of them. Quite the opposite, I'm too proud of them to let them be copied by some hack.

Through them I've made contracts with many creatures over the years and I'm able to make duplicate contracts due to the unique nature of my crests. Because I have to charm and befriend the creatures before they'll lend me their power, I have may have delved too deep into the world of fashion under its excuse.

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