[Arc 9] Ch. 9 Warlock Reborn

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I looked over the crowd and formulated my plan.

None of them were going to get out of here alive. I opened my inventory space magic and composite battle staffs shot out of magic circles in the air around me. They flew past the crowd to the edges the group and hung in the air blocking all avenues of retreat.

Each battle staff was hand crafted by yours truly. They looked like two-pronged spears but were made from a solid piece of cloudy blue glass-like material. Through trial, error, and earth magic I had crafted these battle staffs.

Each one was crafted to withstand the most powerful of my spells, so unlike the disposable wands I could unleash the full force of what a spell like Abracadabra could do without exploding. Yes, up to this point every Abracadabra I cast on the estate was a miss-fire. The spell gathered Ley magic into the focus, but the wooden wands would violently explode before the proper amount of power could be charged to unleash the spell. I'd jimmy-rigged the failed spell format into exploding wands.

But that kind of technique wasn't necessary here. I was pissed and needed to kill everything fast which meant one thing. Storm magic. Wind and Lightning used and abused together to kill with extreme prejudice. A type of magic that didn't have any non-lethal techniques.

I activated my demon eyes in preparation for my assault as electricity crackled around me.

The magic in the world lit up like a Christmas tree. Thank you Kiln.

I finally have my own Heads Up Display. The display was made up of red interwoven circles and runes. They buzzed around displaying values, shrinking and growing. Some even toggled turning the world inside the circle completely different colors for lightning up heat signatures and other things like something out of a predator movie. It was an intuitive system that took some time to get the hang of because I even had the power to edit it like I had administrative access. I could even access my magic with it. Substituting computer-like commands for chants.

It was a nightmare to learn and program. Like building a computer operating system from scratch. Since I was working with Kiln, who was new at giving Demon Eyes it wasn't perfect from the start. But together we essentially built an entire computer-like interface for the world. Finally, I could not only see magic, I could understand it. And because I could understand it, I could control it.

I locked circles around my battle staffs with numbers indicating their names, model number, and their distance away from me. I also locked onto every demon beast disguised as a person I was given their total number their magic concentration, fatigue level, anxiety, and a variety of other types of information like a full stat screen from a video game.

When my battle staffs finished forming a circle drawing out the battle area, I used my magic and a system command.

"Activate Barrier of the Stormlord." I said and an electrified barrier fueled by ambient magic and ley magic surrounded us in a bubble that would allow no one to escape. The sound of a thunderclap caused everyone to flinch. It lined the houses with a barrier of electricity and a layer opaque fog that neither regular sight nor magically enhanced sight could pierce. It would make each surface a death trap on the outside and protect the civilians on the inside. It would also conceal my identity. I still had a few things left to do before I stepped out into the real world as Sebas.

Real world huh?

I guess this is no longer just a fantasy world. This is my world. I still have to wait for Sherlock to answer my question. My entire existence was riding on the answer.

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